Discipline priest looking for raid

85 Blood Elf Priest
Short version

Discipline priest looking for a raiding experience. Wearing Heroic gear and faction's epics. Can raid any day but Sunday.


Update: 1 week later but, still looking for that raiding guild / experience. If any of you remember me in ICC from WotLK days, you know I'm good for my word.

Long version

I healed my way through WotLK and healing is all I do. I took a break from WoW right before Cataclysm hit because well, why bother going on raiding when greens will beat purples , and then started back up in late January. Unfortunately I had to take the news face first about the Priest class being called broken, as this was my only 80 because I liked what I was doing in WotLK. So about a month of being kicked from Dungeons and denied from raids without an explanation later, Blizzard has fixed their ways of the priest. Now that priests are ok, I've been doing alot of PvP healing and dungeon queues and I've gained all my heroic gear plus faction's epics. As it stands now, players still believe priests are a crappy healing class and wont let me raid with them, and the players that don't believe that already have their raiding team built. Looking for a raiding experience!
Edited by Skandradron on 4/7/2011 4:29 PM PDT
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94 Night Elf Priest
Wait a sec, we were broken?

Don't believe everything you hear. And if people try to kick ya out, either tell em to kiss yours or figure out what it is that's making you under-perform.

As for raiding on SoE, get your gear and %### in line and I'm sure there are a ton of guilds there who are eagerly snapping up healers with half a clue. Don't sit back and play the woe is me card. Our class is far -far- from broken, you just need to set the encounters to work with your strengths and weaknesses.
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85 Blood Elf Priest
There is much wrong with your post. Yes, we're called broken, you don't remember that? I never called myself that, its what I was called. My gear is ready to go, I showed you the link. I cannot set the encounters to work with my strengths and weaknesses because I haven't been in the raids yet. And yes, the guilds are not recruiting priest healers so else I would of gotten a response by now.
Edited by Skandradron on 4/6/2011 6:34 PM PDT
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51 Human Mage
I just took a look at your gear and spec. I don't know why you would have been kicked from any groups, but I do see some places where you can improve with your gear. The priest class has been changed, not broken.

* Please don't think that I'm attacking you or demanding that you make any changes. These are just some suggestions, based off of your armory.

Intellect is your best stat. I would suggest changing the meta gem in your helm to a Ember Shadowspirit Diamond. All flat 67 spirit gems I would get rid of and replace with either Purified Demonseye or +40 int gems depending on if the socket bonuses are important to you (actually, you're a JC so make sure all your JC gems are +67 int gems). I personally think it's better to keep +20 intellect bonus slots versus +10. Don't be afraid to mis-socket when the bonus for socketing correctly isn't that great. In your chest piece, you've gemmed the yellow socket for straight mastery. I'd toss in Artful Ember Topaz if you want to keep the socket bonus or another +40 int gem. For boots, I'd drop in +40 int gem and really avoid gemming for mastery. Your bracers are not enchanted. I would toss +50 spirit on those, but it's really up to you.

Smite healing is nice, but it's not going to keep everyone alive (in most situations). I would not run a disc (or holy for that matter) spec without inspiration. If you're up for changing spec, you may want to give this spec a try: http://www.wowhead.com/talent#bfhcMosbcRrochMZ0b

Many of the choices in that spec are optional, but definitely I would get rid of evangelism and archangel and make sure that you have inspiration. Good luck :)

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85 Blood Elf Priest
04/06/2011 07:47 PMPosted by Marsty
I just took a look at your gear and spec. I don't know why you would have been kicked from any groups, but I do see some places where you can improve with your gear. The priest class has been changed, not broken.

Ok lets get this fixed now. I'm not getting kicked from groups. Those days are gone ever since they made PW:S better. Its really makes it mislead people into thinking I'm in raids and then failing. I'm not failing, I haven't been there to try. I never said the priest class was or is broken. Its what I was called, I never said it. I never agreed with them but those where the days before patch 4.0.3 I think.

On to the gear, yes. My bracers aren't enchanted. I kinda got lazy about that. Alot of the things you've said are a good idea. I've heard alot about Int gems instead of Spirit. I would take the advice more seriously but as I said before, I haven't failed yet so I kinda cant compare my results. I'm planning to go more int when I get the replacement gear from raids. With more Int it would make my arcane torrent, shadow fiend, archangel return more mana since they work off of percentage. I guess I'm still into the whole spirit idea.

The only thing I don't agree with is dropping Archangel. Isn't it kinda the whole Disc priest idea? The tank is always beside the boss which I'm smiting and my smiting gets cheaper and stronger in stacks.
Edited by Skandradron on 4/6/2011 9:28 PM PDT
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94 Night Elf Priest
Your gemming/chanting is off big-time in my opinion. As playing dual-disc, I would think you'd favor intellect over spirit in most regards (you should look up the benefits of int to the disc spec - you don't run holy concentration so spirit isn't giving you near as much as you'd think and the intellect not only helps things hit harder, stronger, and absorb more, but will also contribute mana.) Also, check your meta - you'd be surprised how weak it comes out. There's a few items not chanted, your gems are a bit scattered... honestly see if you could fine-tune it a bit more so that you're not gemming for stats you are reforging out of. (Basically, don't be doing an equal gain/loss through a reforge & gem, instead see what you can do by keeping the reforges and use the gems for either straight int gems or if the socket bonuses are actually worthwhile, something that would benefit them.) Don't underestimate mastery either. It's all about absorbs, absorbs, absorbs. The more you preheal and negate, the less you and everyone else will be struggling to compensate for.

As for guilds recruiting, I'm not sure if you would consider an xfer Alli side but I know some connections over there. I'll talk with them and see what they say if they have spaces. As for tuning the raids to your strengths I didn't mean so much make them cater to you, but try to work it out with raid leaders so that there are heal assignments in place that will play off your stronger points. (It would seem obvious but a lot of people aren't doing that and it's hurting them. Priest especially can be VERY strong at any type of healing be it tank or raid, but they need to be able to plan ahead to manage their resources and cooldowns well for the encounter. Make the people who are calling priests "broken" give you a chance to prove you can do something and do it well. Don't let them force you to heal all over the board. Sometimes it's needed yeah but most the time a little pre-planning goes a long way.)

Sorry if I came off a bit cold, but I've seen a lot of "woe is me" from the priests and I know damn well that they are capable of a lot more than people give them credit for. Don't let yourself fall under someone else's category IMO. Do your research on the fights so you do know them ahead of time, most videos show great point of view from healers, and you can learn a lot about heavy damage phases from them so you -would- go into the encounters able to set up for them. The disc priest's strongest ability at the moment is to anticipate damage and negate it or lessen it. You can't be a pre-emptive healer going into fights you don't know. And saying "I have never been given the chance" isn't a good enough excuse. Idk, I just don't think that you are giving yourself enough credit if you sit there trying to use the excuses that you have never been let in because they view the class in general as underpowered and you don't know the mechanics of the fights so you can't give them legitimate reasons and examples where they are wrong. Do a bit more research and go into those raid environments fully armed so that the people sitting there telling you that you aren't capable will eat their words.

As for what the mage above posted on your spec, it's a preference thing. I keep AA for fights like Chimaeron, Halfus to smite him during lulls in tank damage to pop for higher heals during high damage phases or when my tanks are taunting for stacks, Nefarion on the platforms/adds... anywhere you can get a spare second to keep adding stacks up to it will help when you need the burst healing. As for inspiration it's a tossup - but it is a great thing to consider taking, just remember that Shammies have a version as well. SoL isn't actually bad with Disc right now as it seems to proc a ridiculous amount off of smites (not so much off of everything else, but I've had chain SoL procs up to 3 in a row all coming off of one smite which is not really anything to rave about but is nice on the offside.)

I guess what we're just suggesting is to actually prep up a bit more for the encounters and don't be so discouraged, the more you know about the encounters going into a group the less likely you are to find resistance from people based off of a generic misrepresentation of a "broken" class. Because we honestly aren't :P There are reasons guilds working on hardmodes are stacking priests for barriers/painsups/HoHs.

Let me know if you would be up for an alli side xfer. I'll ask around.
Edited by Imbued on 4/7/2011 1:53 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Priest
You've had alot to say and alot of imput. You have been most helpful. Took the time to read the whole thing and it deserved a "like". Just now I redid my reforging and my geming to put as much Intellect and mastery as I could. I replaced my meta gem with the mana one instead of crit healing effect. I understand how geming goes with colours and bonuses so with your Int Int Int in mind all my pure spirit gems have been turned into int / spirit because spirit is blue where Int/ spirit is purple and I still get to keep my bonuses. Perhaps later in other armor where the bonuses really aren't worth it, or it has 2-3 gems slots then yes, I'll go 3 int gems and say screw it to the bonus.

I'm not interested in changing over to the alliance. Im not saying I have all this fame, friends, and glory going on over here, but its a question of money. If I were to spend more money on WoW then I'd sooner do a server transfer. Now that DOESN'T mean I dont like SoE! No one is saying that! Its just that I dont roleplay at all so its kinda a waste of my space or time to be here. There is nothing wrong with roleplay and I support those who do it, I just dont do it. This was my first and only server so it was a blind pick of this shadow/ holy/ disc priest hybrid freak of nature I had going on. Man, soloing through the Ghostlands. I thought it was this huge epic place to be. The good old days of your first character...
Edited by Skandradron on 4/7/2011 4:34 PM PDT
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85 Tauren Druid
Skandradron, FSU is currently rebuilding after taking a hiatus and would be more than happy to have you join our ranks. During Wrath we typically raided on Friday and/or Saturday evenings, occasionally a day or two during the week.

Right now we are still filling our ranks and could definitely use a healer. If you are interested please contact me (GM), Bakuub (Co-GM) or Brezara.
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51 Human Mage
I also didn't mean to come off as rude. I'm apologize for misinterpreting your post, and I wish you nothing but the best of luck! :)

/high fives Imbued
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94 Night Elf Priest

Also, FSU, I remember them from Wrath :P Definately get in touch with them!!
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85 Tauren Druid
Thanks Imbued. We may not be the most progressive raiding guild, but we do like to have fun and are always willing to teach and learn.
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Hi Skandradron,
We are looking for some more players. Check out this post to see if you are interested.


Thanks for your time.
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