Idle Query (POLL)

I'm curious,
read the following link, then answer, if you'd be so kind...

CC tanks, will this make you more likely to Tank randoms solo?

CC dps who have a tanking tree, with this make you more likely to solo Q as a tank?

CCS dps/tanks who have a healing tree, will this make you more likely to solo Q as a healer?

I have my own suspicions, but I'm really curious what others on this realm think.

(for the record: not applicable, yes (on an alt), and no.)

(EDIT: someone on the general forums said something that made me change my mind. (Shocking, I know...but I do that sometimes. I will try tanking because of this. it's supposed to be a solution to a problem, what do I have to lose by trying to be part of the solution, instead of the problem? Nothing. That's what. So...NUBTANK AHOY! Time to dust off the surfer.))
Edited by Plainswander on 4/7/2011 3:07 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Interesting... I only hope there'll be a way for DPS classes to get those cosmetic items too. Since there's always an overwhelming majority of us, that means getting Call to Arms is close to nil. Perhaps if the entire group also got some sort of bonus?

Maybe items specifically for healers or tanks? Since some of the problem is people don't want to queue if they're undergeared, and the DPS classes wouldn't necessarily miss out. Even with shiny new stuff given to me for being a healer/tank, I wouldn't queue up as either if I wasn't geared for it. But I do know many who would, and that leads to painful instances. You can kind of get by if you have a weak DPS. If you have a weak tank or healer though...not good!

I don't know. It's a good try to even out the queueing, but I don't think it's that viable in the long run. (Clearly, they should just let hunter pets tank. <sagenod>)
Edited by Dustwing on 4/7/2011 12:37 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
It sounds like with the items they named specifically, they'll still have a chance to drop through whatever means(Whether the boss kills like Rivendare's charger, or the sporebat from the Sporegar rep), but that the people under the CtA will have that extra shot.

I won't be taking advantage of it with Cae, likely, but my DK might.
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90 Human Death Knight
I'm DPS specced right now, but I've been planning on gearing up to tank for a while. This makes it that much more likely that I will be tanking randoms. What can I say, I love tanking, and apparently I'm a masochist.
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04/07/2011 03:33 PMPosted by Paranitis
3) It will lead those idiot Paladins, Death Knights, Warriors, and Druids who have no business tanking, because they have no gear for it to queue as tanks for rewards. So yay faster queues, and boo to having to start over because some retard with no business tanking decided heroics and when to try it out.
Hello. Idiot here. It's a bad idea to prejudge, really, it is.

I tanked in Wrath, on the surfer, because I could, and Pallytanking in wrath was easy. I'm gonna do it again now, because this idea is worth trying to make work. Not for the critters or the mounts or the queues, but because something needs to be done about the current situation. And, this has a slim chance of working. Will I suck? Oh yeah, probably out loud and often at first, but I'll get better.

And everytime I pick myself up, dust myself off, and learn from my mistakes, I'll do it because I know it'll irritate you knowing some "idiot retard" is out there with no business being out there.
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Hoi now, don't all jump down each others throats at once.

I've been in instances with a bad tank or healer. I've been in instances where I'M the bad tank or healer. It's incredibly stressful from both sides of the spectrum. Would this encourage more people to learn? Probably. Would it encourage more people who for whatever reason just cannot learn? Probably, too.
Edited by Dustwing on 4/7/2011 4:14 PM PDT
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100 Pandaren Warrior
I dunno if this will get me to tank random heroics. I rarely even tank guild heroics nowadays. Though... I am still 20 random people away from getting my PUG pug.

And Plainsybeans, one thing that I've learned is very important for tanks this expansion that wasn't that important last one.


And assign CC to marks, and make sure people understand which mark is your kill first, then second marks. I know we use skull-1, x-2, but some don't. Either way, if you don't mark, or just mark CC targets, then you are guaranteed to have the DPS split evenly amongst all possible targets.
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90 Tauren Warrior

CC tanks, will this make you more likely to Tank randoms solo?

Yep. I feel this change is directed at people like me, who no longer run heroics due to the rewards not being of any interest anymore. People in GD are up in arms about tanks now getting extra rewards on top of an instant queue, but there needs to be a way to get *more* tanks queuing. I believe the "goodie bag" is the best way, assuming the rewards are good enough to deal with some pugs :P

That aside, Para's (now deleted) post is quite off base, IMO. He's presuming this doesn't happen already to avoid the 45(?) minute queue dps hit every time. If my main spec was dps on this character, you can be sure I'd be queuing as a tank every time I queue just to avoid the wait, extra incentive or not.
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non traditional tanks for the win.

*snif* I miss being able to Moonkin tank in BC. That was so much fun.

Especially hunters through, bears can tank, so why can't, y'know, BEARS?
Edited by Plainswander on 4/8/2011 12:00 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
I'd definitely do it. It'd be nice to supplement my bad luck, especially with the Raven Lord and the White Hawkstrider, which you can only attempt to get once a day.
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90 Tauren Druid
I might give it a whirl or two. I have two other tanking classes that I play once in awhile (both heroic ready) and may try it do it on them. As you know, I prefer tanking for friends and guildies.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Wow seriously, my post gets deleted for not singling any specific people out?

If you don't know how to tank, you shouldn't have heroics be your starting point, because you are wasting everybody's time. I don't mind having some craptastic tank in a normal. I expect people to be learning the game there; getting better gear there. But heroics are painful enough as it is without some guy with no business doing it, who only got there because their other set of gear was high enough to queue you up.

And yes, non-tanks queue up as tanks all the time, and it's disgusting, because then they expect someone else to tank when they make it in. That's what guild groups are for. They expect you not to have the gear, and they expect you not to know what it is you are doing..because you told them ahead of time.

You don't take some random drunk off the street and then give them free reign in the kitchen of a fancy restaurant, expecting him to make anything of any quality. Learn to flip burgers first (in a normal) and take time learning your craft (by gearing up in normals), before you expect to be the head chef (in a heroic or raid).

I believe the idea of a goodie bag is to lure people who CAN tank, back to tanking heroics. Not to lure people who CAN'T tank, to waste peoples' time.
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85 Gnome Priest
I've returned from a long break relatively recently, and I've not been queueing to tank very often because I don't feel comfortable joining a group by myself and being expected to know which direction to take, which groups to pull, and what special abilities or events I should expect. Voice chat would make this a lot easier, and that's how I've learned most of the WotLK 5-person instances.

I've felt comfortable with queuing alone after one run through an instance with voice chat, but the person that's been queueing with me hasn't always been available to queue with me when I've accessed new content. The lack of rewards for queueing for specific instances leaves me with little motivation to do the instances I've experienced, especially as they become relatively low-level.

This system is a significant incentive for me, especially because earning gold is a priority, but I still don't feel ready to solo queue for an instance I haven't done before. I'm not convinced many of the DPS in the queue would be happy with a shorter time in the queue in exchange for a tank that seems like he should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.
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85 Goblin Warlock
Kind of makes me sad I've made my 'main' this expansion someone who doesn't really have much of an option to do anything but DPS... though, I may start to investigate the prospect of healing on my alternate server provided I get up high enough for it to be worthwhile and can maintain my gear ratio.

Randoms are going to be a lot more painful, though. I'm torn as to whether this is a good thing or not, honestly. Plus side, more people tanking and healing. Downside.. more people trying to tank or heal without the gear to back it up, just because they get an extra cookie for doing so. There's already a problem with people queueing up as tank/heals just for the shorter queue time, this is just going to exaggerate the problem.

Which makes me a bit more wary of signing up by myself at all. It also has the annoying problem of almost making me feel guilty for queueing up with people I know and having to fill with randoms if one of them ends up deciding to tank or heal - while a relatively superfluous benefit, the fact I'm actively taking away from their ability to get something neat for taking that role doesn't sit well at all for me.

Not sure if want.
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90 Night Elf Druid
As someone who plays all three roles (No comment on how well I tank :D) this probably will make me solo queue a few times until the newness wears off, then go back to hanging around with my Guild/friends. I just like healing for them more, and I'm not bear tanking. Ever.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
04/09/2011 03:46 PMPosted by Gileyne
Plus side, more people tanking and healing. Downside.. more people trying to tank or heal without the gear to back it up, just because they get an extra cookie for doing so.


Pro: MORE PEOPLE trying to TANK and HEAL.

Con: More people TRYING to tank and heal.
Edited by Paranitis on 4/9/2011 11:00 PM PDT
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