Chachaa's Parting Gift (RP)

64 Goblin Rogue
(I am posting this on behalf of Chachaa's creator as his account has expired)

A fire breaks out in Bildgewater Harbor. Local bruisers and engineers report hearing several explosions from the Payload Incorporated building and were startled to discover the structure had an entire wall blown off its wall as the rest of it had caught fire. The local fire-fighting crew responded quickly attempting to stop the fire before the large amount of munitions that were built inside were set off by the inferno.

The blaze is finally tamed as crews cautiously explore the charred and damp ruins of the Payload factory. Many of the witnesses express relief and disbelief as no explosives were set off during the fight to put out the flame, that is until it's discovered the building has for the most part been emptied of all munitions. An alert goes out to Orgrimmar as a large shipment of artillery rounds meant to be delivered to the Horde Navy were amongst the missing weaponry from the factories inventory.

05: 15
An unidentified flying object is reported by the Orgrimmar sky guard. The Grunt who reported it said that he didn't even notice the object until he nearly crashed into it. According to the orc, the entire surface of what he believed to be a zeppelin was reflective, making it impossible to notice until he caught a glimpse of what he first assumed was another grunt about to fly into him. The cloudy night sky and faint lights from the city below were hardly enough to make out anything more then a rough outline. It was confirmed that whatever the object was indeed did have a reflective surface after the grunt in question presents a scrap of thin, light weight, sheeted metal, buffed until reflective. He reports having received it after he skimmed the object, his shoulder armor scrapping a piece of the metallic coating off. Scouts are sent out to survey the surrounding area for the object.

Reports come flooding into the Stormwind guard from an anonymous tipsters that a gnome and small crew of hired hands are transporting a large batch small barrels to various locations throughout the canal system of the city. The guards quickly react, discovering the location of several barrels containing a substance that had been released into the water ways roughly two months earlier. The discover in Old Town the culprits in the act, quickly engaging the group as they attempt to flee. Several are captured, a few killed- including a gnome that upon demasking was a twisted visage of what a gnome should be. Her face's features were disturbingly lacking, as if it was made from a smooth ball of clay. Her jaw- it was discovered- was actually metal and attached onto her skull with bolts. Her left arm as well was a malformed collection of organic and robotic components locked into a steel ball socket attached directly to her skeletal frame. Her body was quickly taken to the Mage Quarters for further study. As for the barrels, to the best of their knowledge, the guards managed to collect all but one which did manage to release it's contents into the water, but thanks to quick response, claimed no new casualties.

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64 Goblin Rogue
A faint glimmer is seen in the air above Da Doctas campus. High above the unsuspecting ground in a war zeppelin coated entirely in a thin reflective coating of tin foil is a crew of horrifically misshapen "orcs". They all share similar attributes such as skin tone and facial features, but amongst the lot were unmissable oddities. One busily loading a cannon had an arm easily a foot longer then his other one. Another busily bringing a keg of black powder to the deck had only one eye that seemed to take up half his face. One had a series of bolts running down the length of his spine, a metallic cap encasing the top of his head- making up for the bit of skull and spine that never formed properly. All of them single mindedly performing their tasks as orders and mad gibberish was barked by the goblin smashed at the helm- Chachaa Fizzlecrank. He wore his customary set of goggles and a regal suite made from the finest materials he could find. Gaudy purple, painful crimson, and almost-black-but-more-of-a-gray black. He was dressed for a party. And that's exactly what he had planned. Something had snapped inside his brain. All the trying and do gooding just didn't work for the goblin- they made him ill. He tried to be an upright citizen, keeping his madness reserved for his enemies and trying to use his talents with engineering spent in areas such as medical advancement. But that wasn't his nature, and it didn't take much to snap him right back into the madman broadcasting profanity over a radio he once was. The only problem was that now, he wasn't trapped away on some island where he couldn't get to people. No, now he had access to highly powerful weaponry and genetic laboratories in which he could create his horrible cloned crew and was given research grants to develop ways to make large weaponry and vehicles stealthier. And he had no regrets or remorse in using all of it- in fact he rather enjoyed it as he danced around the wheel, a bottle of rum in his hand and it's contents spilled across his shirt. He laughed and cackled, spouting out madness to his crew who seemed to almost understand their forsaken creators ramblings. The goblin bounced over to the edge of the ship, looking down at the dim lights of the campus below. His fingers drummed against a cannon that had been loaded and aimed below, an orc clone ready at the controls. The stupid grin that curled the corner of his mouth was forced away as he tried to straighten up and act official and business like. "Miss Doctor Lady...aheh..." his face cracked again for a moment before he regained his poker face "I have a new offer fer'ya." His hands moved in odd ways across his chin and the cannon barrel. "I've decided on'a business deal. I supply you wit' some personal custom rounds AN'- an', y'know? I'm so generous- AN'...I supply y'wit new patients t'take care'a! AhG! S'just...I'm so wonderful, y'know? Mmm-m-m-m..." His tongue ran it's way across his upper teeth. "AND ALL YOU GOTTA DO? RIGHT? S'just...sit there an' sayyyy...cheeeeeessse...!"
With a flick of his wrist and a howling cackle, he gave the order.

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64 Goblin Rogue
The scouts from Orgrimmar identify an unknown flying object laying heavy fire down onto Da Doctas campus in Southern Durotar. It matches the description of the wind rider- barely even noticeable if not for the flaming streaks that erupted from it every few moments accompanied by a shaking explosion down below. They send a rider back to Orgrimmar for reinforcements as the rest of the scouting division moves to intercept the Zeppelin. They're met by a volley of anti-air rounds that tear through the violet sky and soft green skin.

Reinforcements arrive to discover the scouting division is nowhere to be found as the nearly invisible zeppelin continues to lay fire onto the campus below. The sun begins to peak it's way over the edge of the horizon, the powerful orange light reflecting off the metal surface of the stealth bomber, making its location perfectly clear against the dull purple the sky has taken on. The Sky Grunts engage, met with the same resistance by way of high caliber rounds, engage enemy in a weaving formation, making targeting on any one of the grunts much much harder. The battle rages on, at least providing the grounds below a moment to regain composure as the cannons turn their attention onto the assailing sky guard, firing off flak rounds.

A zeppelin from Bildgewater arrives on the scene along with a fresh battalion of skygaurd. Chachaas crew has managed to focus half its fire power on continuing it's bombing run while the other half deals with the remaining grunts from the first batch of reinforcements. All focus is quickly turned onto the opposing zeppelin as it enters firing range. The battle continues, but the bomber is quickly overpowered by both the windriders and zeppelin as they fire off anti-air rounds and incendiary bombs into Chachaas war machine.

The air above Da Doctas campus is empty save a smoke trail leading off into the ocean. On the ground itself, however, the campus is littered with craters and patches of burning earth from the violent rain of explosives cast down onto it. Following the smoke trail, the Orgrimmar forces chase down the rogue zeppelin as it slowly but surely sinks closer and closer to the waters. They go out for miles, the two forces exchanging rounds every now and again as the Bildgewater balloon caught up with Chachaas. As the chase went on, the opposing forces began to find it suddenly dark, the madman Goblin flying straight into a wall of greenish fog that seemed unaffected by the light of the rising sun. And then it just seemed to end, the Orgrimmar forces exiting the opposite end of the abnormal wall of mist- alone. The zeppelin they had a visual on no more then seconds ago is nowhere to be found. They go back in, the forces searching for hours in the mist for the battered Zeppelin.

The debris of a torn and battered zeppelin wash up on the coast of Tanaris. Amongst the wreckage are the floating bodies of the cloned orcs and several chests full of gold.
Chachaa is nowhere to be found.

00:00, Thursday, April 7th
A voice rumbles across the hearthstone channel, rough and grainy as it splits it way through the static
"Mwah...mhmhmhm..." It seems to echo for a few moments before fading away into a dead silence.

((This is it. My final fair well. It's been a blast everyone- but I'm done. I hope that the RP this spurs is enjoyable and convenient for all parties involved.))
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85 Tauren Hunter
Edited by Malulji on 4/6/2011 4:15 PM PDT
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90 Tauren Druid
(Sooo...normally i try to refrain from posting oocly in ic threads but i am going to make an exception here. It would greatly be appreciated if people could hold off commenting/reacting on this till we can confirm how it oocly wants to be handled as this is going to be a major change in things. Aka till we can confirm if this was cleared by the guild leads oocly.

Just one of the many
Edited by Novaclaw on 4/6/2011 4:15 PM PDT
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100 Undead Warrior
The maggot Lord slowly crawled out from under the devastated body of the wyvern he had been flying. Getting blasted out of the air was a novel experience for him, and his maggots had been working overtime to repair the damage. Over the rim of hills he saw vast plumes of smoke rising into the air, tinged with the reddish orange of fires. He set out to see what aid he could offer to Da Doctas.

"Little green thing will pay in blood for thisss, yesss."
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