Happy Friday, SoE!

04/08/2011 12:32 PMPosted by Kalico
You rickrolled the most rickrollable person in this planet.

On that note, an Oregon lawmaker just rickrolled an entire state assembly:

Getting that many politicians to re-write their speeches to quote parts of Rick Astley makes me want to move to Oregon. Now.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
On that note, an Oregon lawmaker just rickrolled an entire state assembly:

Getting that many politicians to re-write their speeches to quote parts of Rick Astley makes me want to move to Oregon. Now.

Best. Rickroll. EVER.
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1 Orc Hunter
Kargar's messenger service in now offering singing telegrams!

Today, in honor of the upcoming [RP] nuptials of two friends, the following in-game singing telegram was delivered.

Words and music are from the highly regarded orc poet
Bek’ar Blackheart.

Thinking about flowers
Thinking about dresses
Need to make my mind up
Which ring should I take?

Sweetheart, sweetheart
Getting married to my sweetheart
Everybody's lookin' forward to the wedding, wedding
Sweetheart, sweetheart
Marrying my sweetheart
Everybody's lookin' forward to the wedding

Celebrate, celebrate (Lok’tar!)
Celebrate, celebrate (Lok’tar!)
Love, love, love , love
Lookin' forward to the wedding
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Kargar's messenger service in now offering singing telegrams!

Today, in honor of the upcoming [RP] nuptials of two friends, the following in-game singing telegram was delivered.

Words and music are from the highly regarded orc poet
Bek’ar Blackheart.[/i]

Poor Bells is still in shock.

But this? This was total win! :D TY :3
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85 Human Warrior
-wakes up-

-looks around sleepily-

-slams coffee mug on table, flailing wildly towards Nozz-

Pour. OwO

Don't knock it - it's all about finding the right performer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLAMhTorPCk

In our house (on Fridays) I like to yell it at the kids in the morning until they roll out of bed. Works like a charm.

Also, Rongar. I ought to decapitate your neck REAL HARD for showing us this video. Not only I'm unable to finish my breakfast but the fact it's THAT guy plus his aura of epicness makes me unable to get up from the floor after laughing so hard I think my innards are about to burst.
Edited by Gottfried on 4/9/2011 3:33 AM PDT
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82 Human Rogue
04/08/2011 01:15 PMPosted by Rongar
You rickrolled the most rickrollable person in this planet.

On that note, an Oregon lawmaker just rickrolled an entire state assembly:

Getting that many politicians to re-write their speeches to quote parts of Rick Astley makes me want to move to Oregon. Now.

Just... <3. Many times.
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