Ideas for RP that don't...suck

85 Blood Elf Paladin
It isn't impossible to resurrect a server's roleplaying community.

Everyone tends to "Whine" and/or "Complain" about how bad the RP is. And instead of fixing it, they blow money on a server transfer. WOOOHOOO. You did a lot >_>

This is for Horde Side, and I'm hoping to maybe get something going. No main protagonists, no emotionally depressing story arcs. Something that pertains to Azeroth and it's happenings.

I don't care about who is dating who, who screwed who, and anyone's feelings. I care about Politics. Post ideas.
Edited by Tempakuron on 4/6/2011 9:34 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
04/06/2011 09:32 PMPosted by Tempakuron
This is for Horde Side, and I'm hoping to maybe get something going. No main protagonists, no emotionally depressing story arcs. Something that pertains to Azeroth and it's happenings.

Hate to break it to you but "Giant lizard pooping fire and wtfpwning Azeroth" and "Emotionally depressing story arcs" are kinda gonna go hand-in-hand.

Be that as it may, that's not the entirety of the potential of what we've been given as far as storylines. Hyjal healing, the cultist issues, etc. Pick one and go with it.

We've been kinda on a good track with RP for at least a good 6 weeks. We've had summits to talk about RP problems and solutions and most of everyone I've seen has been helping one-another with stories and ideas anyhow.

I've seen and met a lot of new people. Most of the focus is back in Orgrimmar, though instead of Silvermoon City.
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85 Human Warrior

I've seen and met a lot of new people. Most of the focus is back in Orgrimmar, though instead of Silvermoon City.

Bellamuerte once said Garrosh is a tad agressive for a leader, but sure knows which Real Estate Architects to hire.

Damn straight.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
If Roleplay has shifted to Orgrimmar, then hell yeah.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/07/2011 06:41 AMPosted by Tempakuron
If Roleplay has shifted to Orgrimmar, then hell yeah.

As originally posted 2/24/11 and updated since:

Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/7/2011 10:57 AM PDT
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85 Draenei Warrior
Here's a way to make RP more interesting Horde side. RP something other than a Blood Elf. I swear it's damn impossible to find anything other that a BE willing to RP Horde side. Aren't you guys supposed to be on recovery after a genocide still? IT doesn't make since for there to be 10 elves to every 1 Orc/Troll/Tauren out there. That's why I play Alliance. Sure we're a bit flooded with Worgen at the moment but so far I've seen very few people play it stupid. When you guys start to even out the racial diversity, maybe I'll play my Orc again.
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04/07/2011 11:52 AMPosted by Moredekai
When you guys start to even out the racial diversity, maybe I'll play my Orc again.

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82 Human Rogue
When you guys start to even out the racial diversity, maybe I'll play my Orc again.


ohai Rongar! You and I posted at the same time, so I went and changed my reply a bit. XD

But yeah, there are several cool orc, troll, and goblin RPers I've seen at the Wyvern's Tail inn in Orgrimmar just recently. Bring your orc back out, Mordekai! :)
Edited by Cathall on 4/7/2011 12:07 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/07/2011 11:52 AMPosted by Moredekai
Here's a way to make RP more interesting Horde side. RP something other than a Blood Elf.

04/07/2011 11:52 AMPosted by Moredekai
That's why I play Alliance.

04/07/2011 11:52 AMPosted by Moredekai
When you guys start to even out the racial diversity, maybe I'll play my Orc again.

So... what you're saying is when it's more popular, then you'll do it?

Complaining about something you dislike yet make no attempt to change is like griping about politics when you don't vote.

Bring out your Orc again. Make the change you want to see occur; only then might it happen. Until that point? You're just asking for others to do all the work for you. It's a community, which means all of us need to pitch in.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Crap... I just rolled a Blood Elf alt to hang with Bells, too. *sighs* Oh well, I'll just go do dailies in TB again.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/07/2011 01:49 PMPosted by Aeralynn
Crap... I just rolled a Blood Elf alt to hang with Bells, too. *sighs* Oh well, I'll just go do dailies in TB again.

What have they done?




<3chu Aera~ :3

<subliminal> Roll Horde </subliminal>
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
04/07/2011 10:56 AMPosted by Bellamuerte
If Roleplay has shifted to Orgrimmar, then hell yeah.

As originally posted 2/24/11 and updated since:


I don't really get on the forums often. In between selling cell phones and slamming my head against my wall in boredom, I rarely even log on WoW. But if Org is the new Garden of Eden for Roleplay, I'll sure as hell be there.
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85 Undead Warrior
04/07/2011 11:52 AMPosted by Moredekai
Here's a way to make RP more interesting Horde side. RP something other than a Blood Elf. I swear it's damn impossible to find anything other that a BE willing to RP Horde side. Aren't you guys supposed to be on recovery after a genocide still? IT doesn't make since for there to be 10 elves to every 1 Orc/Troll/Tauren out there. That's why I play Alliance. Sure we're a bit flooded with Worgen at the moment but so far I've seen very few people play it stupid. When you guys start to even out the racial diversity, maybe I'll play my Orc again.

Look at this way: Blood Elves that are recovering from genocide are more likely to be seen in the major cities compared to the rest of the races; staying safe as opposed to throwing lives away on the front lines. Other races, Orcs especially, might want to be out there conquering new lands or holding the line against whatever threats might try to make incursions, not dither about in the middle of the capital cities.

<subliminal> Roll Horde </subliminal>

Roll Tanks!
Edited by Soirreb on 4/7/2011 3:47 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/07/2011 03:46 PMPosted by Soirreb
Look at this way: Blood Elves that are recovering from genocide are more likely to be seen in the major cities compared to the rest of the races; staying safe as opposed to throwing lives away on the front lines. Other races, Orcs especially, might want to be out there conquering new lands or holding the line against whatever threats might try to make incursions, not dither about in the middle of the capital cities.

Excellent point. Also, could be a "What Has Garrosh Done For Me Lately?" kinda thing. There's not a lot of love for the Sin'dorei nor the Undead in this expac. As well, each side of the faction coin got some fresh ground to cover, what with Worgen and Goblins, respectively. Blood Elves aren't the Hot Kids anymore, by any means. Then again, neither is being a Draenei or a DK, for that matter.

Regardless, everyone has a story to tell; race isn't an issue or a deterrent unless someone wants it to be as such. Choose your character and write it. If it's appropriate ICly, then race can be an issue. Wouldn't recommend pulling that hate into it ICly if it's really not founded, since it could lead to issues with IC/OOC lines.

<subliminal> Roll Horde </subliminal>

Roll Tanks!

Roll Horde Tanks!

PS - <3 Soirreb
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85 Undead Warrior
I'm undead, and I don't even like the Forsaken. At least, not as a faction for what they do in game story and lore terms. No love for Garrosh either, but that old hate has existed since WotLK so I won't repeat it here.

PS - <3 Bella
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm undead, and I don't even like the Forsaken. At least, not as a faction for what they do in game story and lore terms. No love for Garrosh either, but that old hate has existed since WotLK so I won't repeat it here.

PS - <3 Bella

And hate (or rather, conflict) is a very powerful tool in character development. I'd say use it!

As a caveat, however, might want to let someone know OOCly in /w ahead of time the way your character might be towards theirs (ex: /w BobBElf: ((Heya. My Orc, Muklik, is really dumb, but he has this huge enrage issue with Sin'dorei. Is it okay if he interacts with your character? I don't want to just come jump in your face with it. :) )) ).

Some folks will welcome it, while others might be having a tough day and really not be in the mood for fisticuffs or verbal sparring.

And Garrosh? Ugh. Don't get me started.

<3 me some Sylvanas, though. /purr

Okay... now I've bent this thread as far from topic as possible, I'll let go and just say "Come help us shape the RP community. RP is what you make it, after all."
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85 Night Elf Mage
*debates leaving the hunter she moved Horde-side so she may actually get to RP with Bells and friends someday*
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/08/2011 11:22 AMPosted by Sarielyn
*debates leaving the hunter she moved Horde-side so she may actually get to RP with Bells and friends someday*

Dooooo eeeeeeet!

Lots of interesting Farstrider backstory stuffs~!
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