Ideas for RP that don't...suck

85 Night Elf Hunter
Well let's take a step back here, I play both factions. And have made an observation over the past few years. Horde RP tends to rely on more one on one interaction where I see more plot driven RP on Alli. Both work, but to breathe new life, it will probably take a combination of both to breathe new life into SoE. It will take effort, but the best ideas can come from the simplist things.

As an example on Alli side a conversation with friends and a few guildies led into a great plot idea that would also allow the flip side to be done on Horde. If anyone is interested I can give details contact Omorose or Viloche on Alli and on Horde Talibah or Menetnashte.

The possiblilites so far have been extremely interesting and Vil has started getting it off the ground on the forums. Another angle has been added in my posts with Jaylik's.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Well let's take a step back here, I play both factions. And have made an observation over the past few years. Horde RP tends to rely on more one on one interaction where I see more plot driven RP on Alli. Both work, but to breathe new life, it will probably take a combination of both to breathe new life into SoE. It will take effort, but the best ideas can come from the simplist things.

As an example on Alli side a conversation with friends and a few guildies led into a great plot idea that would also allow the flip side to be done on Horde. If anyone is interested I can give details contact Omorose or Viloche on Alli and on Horde Talibah or Menetnashte.

The possiblilites so far have been extremely interesting and Vil has started getting it off the ground on the forums. Another angle has been added in my posts with Jaylik's.

There's excellent plot-driven RP on Horde-side, Tali, and things have actually been rather active the last couple of months for us folks on the red side of things.

It wasn't a guild thing and wasn't in SMC, though, so that might be why you missed it. :)
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82 Human Rogue
04/08/2011 11:22 AMPosted by Sarielyn
*debates leaving the hunter she moved Horde-side so she may actually get to RP with Bells and friends someday*

You totally should, Sari. Hordeside is really fun here, and kind of addictive. :)
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