A few words from the Big Blue Guy.

85 Draenei Paladin
Every newcomer I saw in starting zones are always pointed to other servers for the reason of the dying RP here. I was lvl-ing a Horde alt in Durotar, and about two people told this new guy to go over to another server.


I just have one request:

Stop doing that for the love of Allah.


    RP doesn't happen just because. RP happens because of you, you, and you alone if you're willing to start it up.

    Stop expecting to see people walk in towns for an encounter, start doing this yourself and then there'll be more. Initiative has proven itself in previous civilizations, do more.

    Stop thinking everything is a given. The same principle applies to real life and gearing up in game. As Ghostcrawler once mentioned: "Thou shall grind ur epix". A lot of people have such problems, but don't give up. Good things are not handed in a Silver Spoon.

    Start doing/initiating things. No, people won't laugh at you. If they do, beat them with a truncheon. This is an RP server, there's nothing wrong with playing with yourself......
    I mean, yeah...


It just happens we're a small server compared to others where in bigger servers people tend to have more initiative than the general playerbase here.

You get ignored multiple times? Is it a big event? If yes, there is prone to be lots of chat spam and chances are your words will fall to deaf ears unless you made yourself presentable.

"But but....Mr. Big Blue Guy! How am I suppose to make myself presentable without attention whoring? I want to be known, but I don't want to look like someone whoring for attention..."

There is a GARGANTUAN difference between presentable and attention whoring.

Observe this example of an emote:

Falcor's eyes scan across the entire table, picking up each individuals presence one by one. He smiles towards the seated group and approaches the lot in attemp to strike up a conversation. "Lok'Tar, friends. Don't mind if I join this table for a drink?"

Now observe this example:

Falcor trundles into the doorsteps of the Wyvern's Tail. A bulging, muscular Orc in his aging and experienced state. His grunts and puff's can be heard across the bar, and his rippling muscular veins throb's with tenacity and life. He eyes at the people seated on the table, the good-looking Orc approaches the group in attemp to strike up a conversation. The ladies may notice the OHLALAHUEG bulge well placed between his thighs.


Keep it in mind this is World of Warcraft, not World of Mating Season.

Happy RP, folks.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Does this orc brute have a sister?
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85 Draenei Paladin
04/05/2011 05:32 AMPosted by Aeralynn
Does this orc brute have a sister?



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