AAMS Recruiting [RP Guild - Cross-Faction RP]

88 Gnome Death Knight
Old or New to Cenarion Circle -- Greetings, Welcome, and Have You Considered the AAMS?

The AAMS -- short for "Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service" -- is Cenarion Circle's cross-faction roleplaying guild. What that means is that we exist on both sides: the guild <AAMS> is registered with the Horde, and the guild <AAMS Alliance Branch> is registered with the Alliance. Both of those guilds share a single website, Vent server, and so forth, and act as a single unified entity in-character.

The AAMS exists to plan and help with cross-faction events. We translate between Horde characters and Alliance (using a secret and carefully-guarded technique that may or may not involve a lot of copy-and-paste), allowing roleplayers on both sides to interact with one another in-game. When we're not translating, we're usually running deliveries cross-faction, letting people send letters, items, and even money from the Horde to the Alliance and back.

AAMS characters follow a few odd rules! We're set up as a neutral faction dedicated to promoting peace and communication, so our players don't usually do any kind of PvP on their AAMS characters. We also get to know about a lot of in-character plans ahead of time, and we take keeping those secret very seriously. Discretion and subtlety are the marks of a good AAMS staffer!

In exchange, you get to be on the leading edge of just about everything that involves both factions. There's RP every day, and because people keep hiring us for new things it's always new RP. One day you might be asked to negotiate peace in a contested area of the world -- and then the next we'll ask you to deliver a dozen sheep to a flesh-eating Forsaken who doesn't want to accept them. It's always something!

If you're interested in joining the AAMS -- and we're happy to take everyone, new to the server or old and jaded alike -- there's a couple easy ways:

    Drop us a line right here in this thread. We'll add you to our Friends lists and try to catch you online for a quick in-character interview.
    Come visit our website -- www.aams.guildportal.com -- and leave an in-character application.
    Whisper any of us in game; we try to make sure everyone except the newest hires has invite privileges.

-- Peace by any means!
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100 Undead Warrior
Join the AAMSss or Die, yesss!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
04/11/2011 09:26 PMPosted by Abominus
Join the AAMSss or Die, yesss!


The AAMS does not guarantee non-termination of life. The AAMS cannot be held responsible for actions of maggots or Maggot Lords. The AAMS is not responsible for any maggot shipments or any associated effects after acceptance of delivery.
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89 Human Paladin
((....there's no exploding sheep clause? :P))
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Actually, I think the Souleater/Gentyl "This is going to go wrong, isn't it" rider fee was the first special clause the AAMS ever invoked!
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