Cenarion Circle RP Wiki

89 Human Paladin
Hello, hello roleplayers!

So, a few of you may recall a brief discussion in AllianceOOC recently about setting up a web page with the currently recruiting guilds easily accessible to those new to our RP community and our server. I'm not much of a technology person, but I do have a solid grasp on the basic coding for Wikia Wikis.

As such, I'm going to be updating and expanding the Cenarion Circle Wiki located at http://cenarioncircle.wikia.com

I'm starting with the guilds, using the thread on these very forums to help me but this is NOT a task that I can do alone!

First of all, I have no RP alts Horde-side (yet) -- so I'm definitely going to need help getting information up as far as that's concerned. Even if you just put up some information about your character and/or your guild, it's probably more than I would be able to do!

As for the Alliance, I don't know everyone in our faction, so please come write a little bit about your character! Add some information about your guild! This is going to have to be a group project, but it doesn't have to take much time!

I'd also like to transcribe some of the wonderful stories I've seen unfold on this forum up on the Cenarion Circle Wiki. I want to make sure everyone's okay with that idea before I do it, as it's all of your creative work not mine! I think it will make it easier for us to refer back to if we need to, especially once they disappear onto the next page as new threads come up.

(This also means I'll need to be on the forums more, so I may even post in some of these stories myself. :P)

If anyone has any additional thoughts, suggestions, criticisms, bribes, what-have-you... I'm open to them all!
90 Human Death Knight
This is a great idea. I didn't even know there was a wiki for the realm until now, and I will be registering and contributing as much as I can.

Regarding transcribing stories onto the wiki, I can only speak for myself, but I think that would be great also. You have my permission to transcribe anything I have posted.
89 Human Paladin
Verogoth, that's exactly the sort of thing I want to hear!

I am not positive, but I think the Wiki might even be open to editing without registering, if anyone is concerned about that. I have to contact the administrator and find out what's what as far as that goes!

My thanks to you who have already begun to help!
Edited by Crayauchtin on 4/12/2011 2:02 PM PDT
Pillar actually has its own wiki already, and I have to say, it helps keep track of the back stories nicely.
89 Human Paladin
Good to know Vanressa!

I think that having more specific Wikis for the guilds is a good idea too, highly encouraged. It'll help new members know the history of the guild they're joining as well. I'll be starting Pia Presidium's Wiki at some point as well, but one step at a time!!
85 Human Warlock
I've already joined up and edited the AAMS AB page! It's good to have this thing up and running.

Helps to get some background on some players before you go rushing headlong into RP with them.
89 Human Paladin
I am SO glad you did that too, Jolcasta -- that's a great basic format for guilds which is something I was struggling with deciding on! In fact, I'm copying it to create the Pia Presidium page right now. :P
I've been adding and tweaking this morning. Plan to add Vasilia later this afternoon.
89 Human Paladin
I'm doing some work on the categories today as well because, while I understand that sometimes the broad categories that the Wiki has been using can be useful it's also helpful to narrow things down sometimes! So, I'm going to be tweaking that... if anyone objects, speak now or forever hold your peace!
85 Human Warlock
I like the new front page. Added myself, just now!

Now I just need to learn how to edit a wikia to make it pretty. . .
89 Human Paladin
I can actually do that, I just need the time and attention span (so, probably Friday). That's the most time consuming part for me.

I can't change the color scheme though, as I'm not an administrator.... and honestly, I don't remember how to off the top of my head either. :P
85 Dwarf Warrior
Someone needs to write up my backstory as well as the fact that I am still the Banshee Queen since nobody took the crown back from me. :P

I might need to start RPing again and create an actual backstory. I have one for Kitties...just not one for Para yet.
89 Human Paladin
Paranitis, I think you'll have to be the one who writes up your backstory, I have no idea what it is! I'm very curious as to how you became the Banshee Queen....

Ya'll probably noticed that I did not get around to making the front page look pretty. I know, I know, I got caught up playing the actual game. I'm an addict, it's true. Anyways, I promise that at some point I'm going to do it.... soon, even! :P

And after that, I'm going to go through this entire forum and dig out all the RP stories. Since only a couple of people have given me permission to put their things on the Wiki.... you should all be expecting in-game mail from me if you've posted here!

((Also, I'm terrible at knowing whose alts are whose, so you'll probably get some mail on each and every alt. :P))
85 Dwarf Warrior
Well, I had it all written out on the previous forums before they were taken away. Never even thought about copypasta onto notepad or anything. :(
89 Human Paladin
Aww, that's tragic Paranitis!! :( But that's one reason for the Wiki -- forums just aren't that permanent, whereas deleting a Wiki takes serious effort I don't think anyone's going to want to put into it. And only the administrator can delete pages.... and I'm not sure who the administrator is, to be frank. :P
85 Night Elf Druid
I should add my menagerie of characters...
89 Human Paladin
Yes, you should!!!
85 Human Death Knight
I'll make sure to add Mike into the Wiki Individuals section if it's alright with you.
89 Human Paladin
Absolutely, Mike! The more complete this Wiki is the better! :)
85 Human Warlock
I heard Wallen say he added the Jockey Club to the wiki. Is this true?
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