New RPers joining the server

90 Blood Elf Paladin
Never Mind we decided to go to another RP server given the less then warm reception we were given by most RP guilds here.

And -this-, SoE, is more of a problem than any personal infighting, guild vs. guild bickering, or OOC dislike of fellow RPers will ever be.

You might have a point, Aeviercy. Perhaps this is something we can learn from.

I see the notes from a few RP guild folks in the thread already (Clockwerk, Underground Covenant, and even a few Hordies chiming in a welcome). I'm not on Alliance side, so I'm not really sure what might have transpired beyond the /g invitations and welcomes here in the thread, of course. But... in order to confront such an issue, perhaps some open discourse?

How does your guild reach out to newcomers like the OP, for example? Or perhaps you can share a few tips on how you do it?
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/17/2011 2:43 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
In this instance, as in others, we always recommend that people attend our fishing event or any of the other public events listed in Kalico's thread so they can meet other roleplayers and see the variety of roleplaying guilds first before they apply with us. We're an OOC RP guild, which doesn't work for everyone.

Some guilds have an open door policy, in Clockwerk's case potential recruits are required to fill out an application (unless one of us already knows the person well and is willing to sponsor them). We ask this so we can determine if they fit within our family. How much care and attention an applicant puts into answering this short list of questions tells us much. Not everyone who applies is accepted.

Regardless, in most cases when people are turned away, we suggest alternatives to the applicant. Invitations to open events are still open, we try to recommend the type of guild or specific guild that might better suit their needs. We all live on this server, it only makes sense to help each other out, and no one guild is for everyone.

As far as what happened here, I'll be happy to discuss details in-game or PM/email/however else you know how to contact me. I'm sorry to say there wasn't anything dramatic (so put the popcorn away), but out of respect for those involved I'd rather just avoid broadcasting everything to the trolls :)

Edited for redundancy.
Edited by Nozz on 4/17/2011 4:22 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Excellent points, Nozz.

Some folks are rather particular about what they want to join (some prefer OOC in-guild with open RP and no one "guild theme" that they have to work under, some want heavy RP, some want military themes, others want something race or class specific). For example, I never enjoyed heavy-RP theme guilds, where everything is IC. I like my OOC time, and then time to let Bells (and my other characters) be themselves IC, too. No one guild will suit all roleplayers, and your suggestion regarding attending a few RP events and checking out RP guilds is a good one.

For as much as role-players are interviewed by guilds, role-players should also interview guilds as well. Sometimes, it takes a bit to find the right match. I'm unaware of what actually transpired and was simply thinking that it might have been the person didn't feel welcomed in general.

I know that reaching out was something discussed at the open OOC meeting last month on Alli side, but I don't recall from the transcript if Aeviercy was present. I was just thinking she might have had some input as to the methods she or her guild uses to welcome newcomers. I don't see a good many posts from RoA in this thread or others and therefore can't really gauge it, and would rather ask than assume.

But... seeing as it might have stemmed from an application decline, I suppose things just didn't go as someone expected. Perhaps that's something that needs discussing in an article/post for the WP site/oBoards. A kind of "What to Expect When You're Apping" kind of thing? :3

Bumps are what we learn from, so even if there was a misunderstanding or miscommunication, we can all learn from this. <3

On a side note, in my opinion, you need not discuss what goes on in CW when it comes to particular applications, etc. Discretion is respectable.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/17/2011 4:41 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
04/17/2011 04:39 AMPosted by Bellamuerte
On a side note, in my opinion, you need not discuss what goes on in CW when it comes to particular applications, etc. Discretion is respectable.

Most definitely. I'd never get into personal details. I didn't read the original posts before they were edited out so I don't know what was said or alleged - if anything - but I'd be willing to give a general explanation for our decisions. In the end, though, people will believe what they want to believe.

Thanks for turning this into a helpful discussion! <3
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Is it really friendly?
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32 Human Priest
Having fallen out of all the guilds I was in, all at once, due to my own inactivity for too long a period of time, and then renewed my account, I'd like to share one thing that just glaringly stands out at me, and is on this thread's topic:

You guys aren't visible on the in-game "Guild Finder" thingy.

The guilds which are visible on said thingy are nearly all either (a) tiny, new and struggling, or (b) oriented to some very specific theme. I don't even see most of the old familiar names on it at all.

Being a returning SoE-er, I am not terribly bothered by this, as I am certain that I will land in an awesome guild / clique / etc as soon as I put some good quality time into strolling the Canals in character. But still, the sense of isolation the game offers me now (LFGuild, SW Trade, General chat, people not being openly in-character) is a bit overwhelming. If I were new to the server, I could easily interpret this as a very cold reception from the local community.

Thank you, you folks who play Barrens Chat in Elwynn General. You make the game hospitable to new arrivals.
Edited by Dretsherma on 5/26/2011 8:09 PM PDT
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85 Draenei Paladin
Having fallen out of all the guilds I was in, all at once, due to my own inactivity for too long a period of time, and then renewed my account, I'd like to share one thing that just glaringly stands out at me, and is on this thread's topic:

You guys aren't visible on the in-game "Guild Finder" thingy.

Nice necro, and we aren't listed in the finder because we aren't recruiting at the moment. Kind of like a business doesn't list itself in the classifieds if it's not hiring.
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Having fallen out of all the guilds I was in, all at once, due to my own inactivity for too long a period of time, and then renewed my account, I'd like to share one thing that just glaringly stands out at me, and is on this thread's topic:

You guys aren't visible on the in-game "Guild Finder" thingy.

The guilds which are visible on said thingy are nearly all either (a) tiny, new and struggling, or (b) oriented to some very specific theme. I don't even see most of the old familiar names on it at all.

Being a returning SoE-er, I am not terribly bothered by this, as I am certain that I will land in an awesome guild / clique / etc as soon as I put some good quality time into strolling the Canals in character. But still, the sense of isolation the game offers me now (LFGuild, SW Trade, General chat, people not being openly in-character) is a bit overwhelming. If I were new to the server, I could easily interpret this as a very cold reception from the local community.

Thank you, you folks who play Barrens Chat in Elwynn General. You make the game hospitable to new arrivals.

You're alive!
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32 Human Priest
I got necro'd.
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