Weekly Tavern Night in Stormwind...?

85 Draenei Paladin
Often I've walked through Stormwind on Isa here, and more often than not the taverns, ALL of them (and there are a lot, mind you) are stark EMPTY.
C'mon people, there's a WAR going on here! Where are the drunken soldiers complaining about old glory days spent sleeping between ice boulders in front of the Citadel trying not to make scourge notice them?! I'm sure there are a lot of 'In my day' stories to be passed.
So my question is, with all the booze and brawn there is to be had, is there, has there been, or could there be, a Weekly Tavern Night in Stormwind? I've seen at best random smatterings of people in the Blue Recluse at any given night, and they've been -awesome- and it'd be just as awesome to go to another one.
So I send out the call to all bitter or memory ridden soldiers who have 'when I was your age' stories to tell, or even just RP'ers looking for casual RP. Is there a schedule? If so, when, and if not, how about we make one (and this applies to our Horde buddies in Orgrimar as well ; 3 )?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Us Hordies usually gather at Wyvern's Tail and you'll find most of us around there during the evenings.
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85 Night Elf Hunter
The Song and Tankard is every Monday at 7PM server.
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17 Worgen Mage
How about all the worgens gathering behind the lake to check out that farmers cows? They sure make my mouth water... Ummm I mean Im a reformed worgen and i would never eat someones cow...

Hey why are you looking at me like that? Whats that behind your back?

It doesnt look like nothing?

What was that you just shot me with!?

Oooo Im getting sleepy.... *drools*
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85 Draenei Paladin
*doo dee doo doo doo!* Another worgen bites the dust! >:D
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17 Worgen Mage
No no im ok, Tis only a flesh wound
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/15/2011 06:20 PMPosted by Merlinna
No no im ok, Tis only a flesh wound

You've had worse?
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