POLL: What's Driving Your RP?

90 Blood Elf Paladin
The writers at Blizzard give us built-in fodder for story ideas, creating entire zones and quest lines around plot-driven themes. This week’s quick question is rather simple, focusing on how you are using what comes with the game.

Head on over to the Sisters of Elune WordPress Community site and share what is motivating your characters!

POLL: What current goings on are you using in your RP?:
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/15/2011 8:35 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm disappointed Gnomeboutins isn't an option >:(
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'll, um.... include that, uh... some other time.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Kalico is driven by:
  • Babies- She's the Azerothian version of Octomom, sans the creepy lips
  • Shoes- Yep, always hounding the AH for good specials
  • Arthas' Tears- No, not the tears of everyone's favorite paladin turned evil overlord, but the actual flowers

But on a more serious note, I love how certain roleplayers *cough*Cathall*cough* have found a way of cleverly incorporating future dungeons into their storylines. :]
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Kalico is driven by:
  • Babies- She's the Azerothian version of Octomom, sans the creepy lips
  • Shoes- Yep, always hounding the AH for good specials
  • Arthas' Tears- No, not the tears of everyone's favorite paladin turned evil overlord, but the actual flowers

But on a more serious note, I love how certain roleplayers *cough*Cathall*cough* have found a way of cleverly incorporating future dungeons into their storylines. :]

Bells is driven by:
  • Kalico's demand for babies
  • Kalico's demand for shoes
  • Kalico's love of Arthas' Tears
  • The occasional tiny disaster of large little things like exacting her revenge on Twilight's Hammer cultists
  • Coffee

And yes... Rathic has an amazing way of stumbling into things as such... and dragging Genna with him. xD
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