Some Useful Addons

85 Night Elf Mage
Cross-posted from my article "Some Useful Addons", which is located on the Sisters of Elune WordPress Community site:

Hop over, check it out, and subscribe! There's several great posts already, and many more to come =)

When I first started playing WoW, I had no clue that addons existed. As I would watch others discuss them in trade and guild chat, I became curious, but not enough to try one.

A few months later, someone suggested GuildAds. I decided to give it a shot. Now I look back and wonder how I survived without these great tools. Below are some of my favorites.

• Altoholic – Hands down, this is a must have for anyone who has more than two characters. And honestly, who here doesn’t have more than two?

No more toon-hopping to find that stray item you’re positive you have. Open Altoholic, search, and POOF! You get a list of which character(s) have the item, the quantity owned by each character, where it is stored (bags, bank), and if your guild(s) have any, either.

The first tab is general information. Character level, character’s current location, gold per character, total gold, and I believe average item level for each character, too. You can also view all professions for all toons. And, all achievements as well. There’s lots more, but try it out for yourself!

Want to know another nice bonus for those who play both factions and/or are on multiple realms? You can set it to search every character you play.

Initial setup of this addon takes a bit of time, but once it’s configured, it is very valuable.

• GuildAds – I use this one more for the tooltip information than any other feature. The tooltips for all common (and higher) items will show which profession(s) use the item, as well as the recipes it is used in.

I’m sure there are other features in GuildAds, but this is by far the best reason.

• TRP2/My RolePlay – Both of these are very nice RP addons, with a lot of neat features. I’m actually still learning all the things that can be done with them. (Toss some tips my way, guys!)

• Dominos – This is an extremely flexible action bar addon. I have no clue how I made it before I had my Dominos. Really.

• GatherMate2 – This one is great for gathering professions. Make sure you get both GatherMate2 and GatherMate2 Data, and do a data import once in a while. It picks up not only where you have been, but will also show nodes that other players have found.

You can filter by node type; choose options that allow you to see these on either the minimap or world map, or both; and you can track more than one type of node at a time.

• Ackis Recipe List – Nice addon if you’d like to acquire all recipes for a profession. It scans your professions, and lists all available recipes. You can then expand the list to show where each recipe can be obtained, be it a vendor, quest reward, trainer, world drop, reputation, etc.

• Archy* – Helps with tracking of artifacts, dig sites, and survey distance indicator. Archy will display the four available dig sites for the continent you’re currently on, and what type of fragment each dig site contains.

*With the exception of Archy, I pulled all of these from The Archy addon on Curse is buggy. There is a version available on, called Archy.bugfix6. This version works very well.

I hope this list helps you all find a new tool or two to make your WoW life a bit easier.
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85 Draenei Paladin
There are a few more that a former guild mate of mine stumbled across:

Gryphon Heart Items: Nifty little addon that let's you create 'items' that can be very, very neat in RP's. It lets you custom make nifty little items that range from jewelry to tabards that you can give your own unique flair to. You can even give your items buffs and debuffs!
Pros: great little addon for customization! Keeps everything as a link item in a seperate 'bag' that doesn't take up actual inventory space!
Cons: Items only viewable by people who have the addon as well : /

Gryphon Heart Reputation: In the same family as GHI, this addon let's you actually create entirely new 'factions', then gives you the ability to dole out 'Faction Points' to people who earn rep in them.
Pros: Versatile!
Cons: : / as with GHI, you must have the addon to use the rep, and you can only have and track one rep at a time (unless they have changed it since then)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
There are a few more that a former guild mate of mine stumbled across:

Gryphon Heart Items: Nifty little addon that let's you create 'items' that can be very, very neat in RP's. It lets you custom make nifty little items that range from jewelry to tabards that you can give your own unique flair to. You can even give your items buffs and debuffs!
Pros: great little addon for customization! Keeps everything as a link item in a seperate 'bag' that doesn't take up actual inventory space!
Cons: Items only viewable by people who have the addon as well : /

Gryphon Heart Reputation: In the same family as GHI, this addon let's you actually create entirely new 'factions', then gives you the ability to dole out 'Faction Points' to people who earn rep in them.
Pros: Versatile!
Cons: : / as with GHI, you must have the addon to use the rep, and you can only have and track one rep at a time (unless they have changed it since then)

TRP2 actually incorporates several addons into one, covering GHI, Tongues, and MRP. Same drawbacks as GHI and isn't cross-functional. As well, the "Tongues" portion doesn't let you learn languages of your same faction (ex: BElves can't learn Gutterspeak). You can still makes quests and deliverables with TRP2, as well as store in both a "bag" and "bank" for your character.
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85 Draenei Paladin
Havent heard of TRP2, but I'm aware of Tongues (actually have it up and running right now). Nifty they finally rolled all of that into one.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/15/2011 04:04 PMPosted by Isàias
Havent heard of TRP2, but I'm aware of Tongues (actually have it up and running right now). Nifty they finally rolled all of that into one.

About the only complaint I have regarding TRP2 (short for Total Roleplay 2) is the little language issue.

Well, that and it can be iffy with certain raid frames. :<

Other than that? It's a great addition to the UI! :D
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