Breathing new life...

85 Blood Elf Warrior
...into the RP of our server. I've seen a various many conversations both in threads and in trade chat regarding the sad state of affairs the RP community of SoE is in. Mostly of the time the conversations veer off into gods know what but I've yet to see anyone sit down and intelligently discuss not the STATE of RP on SoE but SOLUTIONS on ways to make it better. I know there are a lot of intelligent people out there so here's your chance:

Quit QQing and start spit-balling some ideas.

Annnnnnnnd GO!
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Hi Kiuas - we just had a "live" discussion on April 1st (no joke), following the long planning efforts of a few very dedicated players:

The entire discussion was posted on the SoE forum pages:
You can find a number of spit-balled ideas there. Feel free to add your own.

That said, we can probably look at a follow-up chat if there is interest - maybe even for the distinct purpose of planting the seeds for some storylines OOC.

Depending on when and where you look, there is RP to be had in Orgrimmar and Thunderbluff. My character isn't in Silvermoon City all that much, but I know there is RP as well. Open world RP is a bit more challenging to find - for one thing, you won't spot many "walkers" in quest zones.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Actually. If you take a moment to actually read through people's posts rather than stopping at the first, you find a lot of good suggestions.

From Nozz on the forums activity:
You know what I’d suggest? Combat this by making posts you would like to see, and encourage your roleplaying friends to do the same. Post thank you threads for exceptional things players have done. Brainstorm ideas for plots. Post your character’s stories. Say what you will about the moderator(s) and actions of the past, but trolling isn’t tolerated and is often dealt with quickly. Show the forum visitors that this server is indeed alive and there are good people to be found here.

From Bells:
There's been notices about open RP weekends, events, etc., and there's plenty of threads that exist on the boards with open RP invites to jump into the thread.

People can't spoonfeed RP to others. If you want it, make it. There's lots of folks that have already said they're out there, willing to RP. Any other complaints are rather moot, considering.

Which leads into Kalico's entire thread on improvisation:

... filled with people telling newer players how to get into roleplay 'on the streets' so to speak.

Bells also started a tradition of open roleplay on the weekends in orgrimmar:

In a call for roleplay thread alliance side, many people jumped quickly to let a player know of various guilds and events to get involved.

And that's not mentioning the open forum roleplay threads that crop up or the dozens of players who have stated time and time again that they are available for roleplay on the server. As Bells said where I quoted her, you can't spoonfeed people roleplay. People have been coming up with solutions all along - initiating new events, leaving themselves open for roleplay, planning entire WEEKENDS to let people know that roleplay will be happening in certain locations...giant OMGWTFBBQ threads of roleplayers offering advice on how to make things happen for yourself and your characters.

Unless you have a magic wand you can wave and magically make everyone able to help themselves to all SoE has to offer, there's not much more I think will actually come from asking that the people of the server 'fix things' or come up with 'solutions'.

Now, if you wanted to be more specific and designate a thread to bounce ideas for new events or strategies YOU have off people, then that's great! But there isn't much you can do if people aren't willing to help themselves.
Edited by Hiccup on 4/12/2011 11:03 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Hiccup, perhaps I'm wrong but the first line of your post just seemed to seethe with condescension...and that saddens me a little...not for myself but humanity...especially from someone from Clockwerk...I have such a high opinion of your guild too as Nozz was the very first to welcome me (as Beltaine) to this server *sigh*

Moving on...

Thanks for the links Rongar I'll check them out and add what I can to them. :)
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/bow to Hiccup

for finding these other (and better) threads.

This is a fairly active forum and community, but I see a trend towards quality over quantity. This carries through to the roleplay in game.

I'm not tripping over people roleplaying the second I log on, but whenever I've found people to RP with, it's been (in the immortal words of Rod Blagojevich) f*ing golden.
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Feel free to look me up in-game Rongar. I'm on the hunt for others who RP...Gamon is letting me down lately due to his obsession with that candle in the tavern.
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85 Night Elf Druid
My intentions were to let people know that they need to read beyond the 'OMG THERES NO ARPEE HERE' to the responses below, and read them in FULL if they are truly interested in getting something going. I don't know how that is seething with condescension. :/ Frustration perhaps, but coming to the forums every day and seeing yet another 'No one is doing anything to fix the state of roleplay!' thread, when you have good friends working their BUTTS off to make sure that everyone knows where and how to find it - it does get tiring.

I am sorry that my wording left you with such a bad impression - I have a tendency to communicate via text as if I were speaking and not consider alternate interpretations of what I write from the point of view of the reader. But I do hope that you at least took the rest of my post to heart, and got more than a bad impression of an amazing group of people I am privileged to be a part of out of what I had to say.
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
No harm done. :)

And I'm not blaming anyone or even calling the state of our server's RP bad, per say, at all. I just see a lot of people complaining rather than trying to work towards fixing it, which seems to be a growing trend in WoW with everything, yell and scream about it but do nothing to fix it lol.

I know there are a great many people working tirelessly to make things better and I was trying to help do so as well by providing a thread to discuss rather than dispute. I wasn't aware there already were so many. Horde trade chat, in particular, is what I'm most concerned with as it's nearly constantly assaulted by people poking fun of RPers or complaining about the server's lack of them.

Glad all is clear now. :D
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04/12/2011 12:29 PMPosted by Kiuas
Horde trade chat, in particular, is what I'm most concerned with as it's nearly constantly assaulted by people poking fun of RPers or complaining about the server's lack of them.

My first order of business:
/leave Trade
/leave General

...and peace returned to the valley.

I am sure this will come back to bite me eventually, but it does feel a lot more "RP"-ish, and makes tracking conversations way, way easier.

I usually play late (after the kids are in bed) and on weekends. I'll see if I can rescue you from that drunken Tauren before the two of you come to blows.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/12/2011 12:29 PMPosted by Kiuas
Horde trade chat, in particular, is what I'm most concerned with as it's nearly constantly assaulted by people poking fun of RPers or complaining about the server's lack of them.

I usually have an "RP Only" tab, that includes /y, /s, /w, and such. It removes /g chat and global channels. I keep Trade and General on a separate tab, regardless.

People who come to an RP server and complain about RP? Well, there's a thousand reasons why they do. In the end, maybe they'll realize what they do is kind of... silly. It's like going into a sporting goods store and asking why there are so many athletes all over the place. (There are better analogies. I'm still on my first cup of coffee, however, so forgive me.)

Over the years, I've learned a sure-fire way of dealing with nay-sayers effectively: ignoring them. People are going to complain about something, regardless. They'll mock whatever it is that is different from them or appears weaker, just so they feel better. Let them.

If someone mocking roleplay on a roleplay server helps them feel better that they don't get enough hugs IRL, that their real life boss/teacher/local newspaper delivery boy is a jerk, or because mom and dad never bought them their very own Teddy Ruxpin, so be it. The trick is to not pay attention. There's no rule that says you have to give them any of your time or energy; place it elsewhere. They're the ones who look a bit dim for actually complaining about something that the server was specifically designed for, right? (Secretly, I think most of them would like to RP, but they're afraid. I wish they'd actually just do it rather than being so intimidated. But... that's their choice.)

@Hiccup - Thank you for all the links and info. /knucklebump! That's what I love seeing!

@Rongar - /salute, Kiddo ;) <3

And a final note on Gamon...
He's rather emo; I'd avoid him. Try Wyvern's Tail. Plus, Gravy is a much better barkeep.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I keep trade open for the single reason that I try my darn tootin hardest to save potential new RPers or server transfers from the trolls and haters that are always lurking, waiting to strike and trick you into a false depression that you had wasted your time rolling here or paying money. I don't always succeed. I do tend to type walls of text and all it takes is one negative comment for a potential to hit esc. - logout, and then I hit enter with my declaration for RP: "player was not found" nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
I made a troll look so bad yesterday that he trolled himself...I don't care for those types. I consider myself a carebear and I don't care who dislikes it. There are a lot of new people who come and go in the game as well as young people (like it or not lol) and there are people , much like myself, who don't obsess over this game to the point where it becomes the paramount of their existence. Daily I see them picked on and I pick

But yeah I sadly need /trade until I can get these last 3 truegolds made then I think I'll be turning it off for good lol.
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85 Human Warrior

But yeah I sadly need /trade until I can get these last 3 truegolds made then I think I'll be turning it off for good lol.

Wait till I tell you about the ELUSIVE Truegold, brah.

Heck, each of us are doing something now and we all shouldn't be scared to initiate something/start something. After all, that's where all the grand ideas come from.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Completely off topic I know but sorry I had to run last night. I was on my priest Delynda, but I had to say hi when I recognized your name Kiuas! Perhaps next time I'll have time for Rp!
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
I had to run as well, the moment you said hi my gf was tugging on my shoulder telling me it was time to hit up "ye olde Wal-Mart' for Maybe next time.
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