I can raid 7-10 server looking for a guild that needs a druid healer.
Healer looking for raiding guild
Hi Damand,
We are looking for some more players. Check out this post to see if you are interested.
Check us out. Thanks for your time.
We are looking for some more players. Check out this post to see if you are interested.
Check us out. Thanks for your time.
04/12/2011 06:46 PMPosted by DamandI can raid 7-10 server looking for a guild that needs a druid healer.
My guild Dream Destroyers (alliance) needs more raiding healers. We run tues and wed from 8-10 server and also are trying to get something going on the weekends too. We are currently 8/12. Hit me up in-game if you would like to talk!
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