Guild Themes?

90 Human Rogue
Hello to all of Cenarion Circle.
I'm new to the server after I got endlessly bored with running nothing but chain raids/dungeons/rep grinds/ professions etc.

I decided to try out some RP and so far I've seen only fun and interesting things. I think I probably want to join a good RP guild for my Rogue, but I'm not certain on the different themes of each guild for the Alliance faction. Any guilds stand out for being very welcoming to newcomers to RP?
If so, what is the theme and will my rogue fit in with his backstory?
Sorry for all the questions.
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90 Human Death Knight
Welcome to CC! As far as I've seen (Alliance side, mostly, but I hear Horde is pretty much the same thing) most, if not all, of the RP guilds are very welcoming. If you already have a backstory and personality figured out for your rogue, a great place to start would be the thread listing some of the major RP guilds on the server, found here:

Also, it would be beneficial to join the server-wide chat channels for RPers. Since you are Alliance, those channels would be:

AllianceOOC (for general out-of-character chatter and getting to know your fellow RPers)
HearthstoneIC (the in-character channel for RPing wherever you might be, anywhere in the realm)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask either here or in the channels. We're happy to answer anything we can for our fellow RPers, and we're glad to have you joining us!
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90 Human Rogue
Thanks for the warm welcome! I like this server already after 10 min being in the channels.
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89 Human Paladin
Well, it depends on what you'd like to do with your Rogue's backstory, as far as guilds go. I think nearly all of the guilds are open to Rogues -- the question is, are you a thief, assassin, scout....?

If you check out this thread:

It is a pretty accurate list of most of the guilds on our server. Glad to have you with us! :)
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