[A][3v3] Looking for X in Rogue/Druid/X (2k+)

Hey CC -

My druid and I are looking for a geared, 2k+ capable DPS to push rating in 3s. We'd just settled in with our shadowpriest when he got jacked for my Shammy/Mage/Spriest team. :) Another shadowpriest, really aggressive 'lock, or warrior would work well. We could probably make other classes work also.

Our ideal teammate would be able to have fun arena-ing, win or lose--a tough loss is nobody's fault, learn from it and push onwards. Vendrelm and I have played together for almost a year and try to keep things as loose as possible (which usually means he's patiently telling me to shut up :). We typically play any of M-W, F/Sat 9pm PST onwards.

Interested? Drop either Vendrelm or I a line. Thanks!
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85 Human Rogue
Ah, oops, here's my rogue for those wishing to armory me. :) Accidental self-bump.
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85 Human Rogue
Bump! :) Still looking.
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85 Human Rogue
One last bump attempt! Any good DPS out there looking to push for a arena title? Let us know, thanks!
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86 Human Paladin
How do you feel about ret paladins? Or maybe a prot paladin? I can tell you about my arena experience sometime in game if you wanna chat. :)
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