LF raid grp

85 Blood Elf Hunter
As the title says I am looking for a group to raid with regularly.

I have 3 toons raid ready...
Surv / mm Hunter, item lvl 352
Holy priest. item lvl 346
and a ele/ resto shammy item lvl 350

I prefer to raid with my hunter or shammy but im willing to save multiple toons, all I ask is the following:

Looking for raid time starting about 8-9pm server, ending no later than 12
best days are wed, thurs, sat, or sun.
Please know what you are doing, Im game for progession but I would expect at least the raid leads to know the fights ( i know about half of em )
Also (the most important thing ) please be understanding of RL, I may have to afk a little for my kids but its not a constant thing.
Please get in touch with me in game or on here. I come ready, flasked, well fed, and ready to fight 10 min or so before raid time.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I was chasing you in Uldum the other day, though I don't think you saw me. I was going to kidnap you and steal you away to candyland, but you phased out and I lost you. (Darn me for not doing Uldum quests!)

I hope you find a good group. I know <CoL> is just that, but their hours run a bit late for most folks (one reason why I ended up not faction changing months ago).

I know how RL goes and we do need to see that it functions just as well (if not more) as the game. I have a cat and she drives me bonkers! One minute she wants outside, then she wants in, then out, then in, then out, and back in, then she wants food, but her dish is full, then she wants out again! *cries*
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
LOL Well I love CoL and do not plan on leaving but the raid times are just way too late for a mom of two, newlywed, and full time job holder lol. And I did see you in Uldum the other day but I had no clue what you were doing lol. :)
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85 Human Warlock
Ahhh will give a friendly bump for Linndrah here. Good solid player and generally a really good person to be round. And had I not faction swapped, I would have joined CoL,
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Thanks dear :) You know you could always come back *hint hint*
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85 Human Warlock
Well I could..... but I had just gotten to the point where Enchan... bored me to death. All of if not most of my friends horde side all moved on, so the change of venue to Alliance was well needed and deserved
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