I've literally been stuck to my screen like a zombie this weekend making RP letters and items as well as little personal storage caches throughout the game. This is quite literally the coolest thing I've ever used. Anyone else running it? If so gimme a shout sometime. :)
Anyone else use TRP2?
I use it also, I haven't created a lot of items, mostly a few books and states. It's le win.
I use Gryphonheart Items to make books and widgets and gadgets and everything else. I think it's just a personal preference thing, but I like GHI way better.
I haven't made a lot of items, but I use it.
It would seem that the more dedicated of the Roleplayers use this add-on over MRP, simply because it allows you to view so much more of your character than just a description and 'General Mood' if you will. I'm an active user of this, and while it tried to kind of copy over GHI in the creation aspect, it's a bit more confusing than GHI, but that may just be me. . .
I'd like to get a look at the source code of GHI then...I code for a living and would love to perfect the few little flaws in TRP2...such as the spelling lol. Gotta hand it to the person who made it though, it's still pretty sweet.
TRP was originally in French, the spelling is most likely something that was lost in translation.
GHI has been around on the underground since ... god, I don't even know when. Wasn't aware of TRP2 having the same type of thing, but sounds interesting.
I know with GHI you can essentially do almost anything - potions and elixirs that add to the GHI buff bars, and can be counteracted with other potions and elixirs. Entire books with images, and some pretty interesting things (once saw a script for a blindfold/chloroform type thing, could be used for either, which made a black box extend a percentage of the screen essentially blacking out the user's view for a set time... imagine that kind of thing for RP rofl!) The other cuteness about GHI is (if it's still under development) GHR/GHQ (reputation/quests) where you could set up reputations via the addon for guilds or alliances, and you could give quests and other tasks for users of the addon to complete in order to set reputation gains with said alliances. So let's say you are a band of thieves, and you want to test someone's allegiance - give them quests to do certain things/steal certain items/whatever via GHI and let them rep up with your little group.
The uses of these things are a lot more varied than I've seen on SoE. I know certain servers that used to have entire drug trades etc. using these addons. Also makes establishing shops a lot more fun, as those who use it can purchase your own craftable goods (and you get to use your imagination in ways you wouldn't think were possible in WoW).
I know with GHI you can essentially do almost anything - potions and elixirs that add to the GHI buff bars, and can be counteracted with other potions and elixirs. Entire books with images, and some pretty interesting things (once saw a script for a blindfold/chloroform type thing, could be used for either, which made a black box extend a percentage of the screen essentially blacking out the user's view for a set time... imagine that kind of thing for RP rofl!) The other cuteness about GHI is (if it's still under development) GHR/GHQ (reputation/quests) where you could set up reputations via the addon for guilds or alliances, and you could give quests and other tasks for users of the addon to complete in order to set reputation gains with said alliances. So let's say you are a band of thieves, and you want to test someone's allegiance - give them quests to do certain things/steal certain items/whatever via GHI and let them rep up with your little group.
The uses of these things are a lot more varied than I've seen on SoE. I know certain servers that used to have entire drug trades etc. using these addons. Also makes establishing shops a lot more fun, as those who use it can purchase your own craftable goods (and you get to use your imagination in ways you wouldn't think were possible in WoW).
I love the item crafting feature in GHI. For me, the TRP2 system is too clunky.
What I do love about TRP2 is the ability to make NPCs "speak" or emote, which can add some flavor to an otherwise humdrum activity like buying a drink.
I have heard that GHI conflicts with certain raid addons, which could make it a deal breaker for players who love RP as much as raiding. I am lousy at raiding, so this has not been a problem for me.
What I do love about TRP2 is the ability to make NPCs "speak" or emote, which can add some flavor to an otherwise humdrum activity like buying a drink.
I have heard that GHI conflicts with certain raid addons, which could make it a deal breaker for players who love RP as much as raiding. I am lousy at raiding, so this has not been a problem for me.
GHI used to interfere with the vehicle controls however those can be hotkeyed... so yeah, raiders beware (kinda...)
As for TRP2, I just got it and tried it on Auri and wow... just wow. I'm impressed... I haven't gotten into it too far yet but from what I can tell, you have the ability to go beyond GHI in the sense of creating areas where other people can get items without you physically having to interact (ie: message boards, mailboxes, etc) through the stash thing... Also, the bags having the ability to actually take weight and damage into account? If this actually works the way it appears to this is pretty spiffy! :3
As for TRP2, I just got it and tried it on Auri and wow... just wow. I'm impressed... I haven't gotten into it too far yet but from what I can tell, you have the ability to go beyond GHI in the sense of creating areas where other people can get items without you physically having to interact (ie: message boards, mailboxes, etc) through the stash thing... Also, the bags having the ability to actually take weight and damage into account? If this actually works the way it appears to this is pretty spiffy! :3
04/18/2011 02:18 PMPosted by RongarI have heard that GHI conflicts with certain raid addons, which could make it a deal breaker for players who love RP as much as raiding. I am lousy at raiding, so this has not been a problem for me.
Addon Control Panel (ACP) helps a lot with this kinda thing. You can make preset addon lists to turn off and on for your characters. For example, I have ones saved for Bells when she's prot, ret, doing archaeology and whatnot, and when she's in RP mode. Same thing for my alts who farm, since some addons are a bit too clunky when running everything at once.
Another cool part is that you can turn things on and off without having to do a full log, too. :3
I find this less buggy than gryphon heart and the hubby has made some neat items with TRP2 etc. I am still messing around with it. And have been working on special RP things for characters that are integral to their storylines.
The only issue I seem to be running into with it, is the fact it likes to reset my IG channel settings. It takes me a bit to fix them when it does.
The only issue I seem to be running into with it, is the fact it likes to reset my IG channel settings. It takes me a bit to fix them when it does.
Well I pose a question when I saw '' Books '' being created I had to pose a question!
Does this mean you can like write books in game, like the in game books and trade them to people with Trp2 or just create like titles of books and such, which would be a real let down, but get back to me please!
Does this mean you can like write books in game, like the in game books and trade them to people with Trp2 or just create like titles of books and such, which would be a real let down, but get back to me please!
Yes, you can. And it's a little tricky because you have to create an instance of the written material (i.e. what the end user sees when they open or use the book) as well as the actual object of the book itself. However, when you get it to work it's astounding what you can do with it. There's a love letter at the third-most table upstairs in the Wyvern's Tail Tavern in Org that you can feel free to play with if you have TRP2...it's in one of my many in-game caches.
TRP2 is like crack, but I'm still lethargic from using MRP where about 10 profiles I wrote magically dissapeared. x.x
Not sure if I'm safe from this one, so El Oh El~
Not sure if I'm safe from this one, so El Oh El~
lol yeah I find myself getting carried away just creating new things as well and as Rongar said, the option to allow /emote and /say to come from npcs that you target is incredible, but also know you can put names on your mounts and any non-combat companion pet as well...It's my sincere wish that everyone who RPs on SoE gets it because it's so nice walking by someone and doing a quick mouse-over and then seeing they've got their whole profile made up, it brings me joy...lol.
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