A Formal Invitation[[Horde RP Event!]]

83 Blood Elf Rogue
Upon viewing this parchment, the elegance and time put into this would clearly read of something important.

Even in the darkest times that pass over us, with the Cataclysm tearing cities apart, and causing the must upheaval that Azeroth itself has ever seen; It would prevail that even in these times, Light can still prevail; And with that, Love. These two may have met on rocky, undue terms, but with what they had found, they know it to be the truth.

A formal Invitation to the engagement of Roxanna Shadowblade & Telarian Silverwind on the Twenty-First of April, at approximately 8:00 PM(Server Time).

The Ceremony will be held at Light's Dawn Cathedral within the Ruins of Gilneas. The reception however, will be held within Ravenholdt Manor, Within the Mountain Range of the Hillsbrad Foothills.

All those wishing to attend, may attend to both, or just either or. The reception will immediately follow the Ceremony, and will hold Contests, Give Aways, and Many other surprises! No one will leave empty handed, and without a smile on their face.

Please help create an event that will remain into their own memories, as well as your own!

Those who wish to attend, please send a formal letter through the Post to either Roxanna, or Telarian respectively. ((Replying to this as well is fine!))
Edited by Røxanna on 4/18/2011 7:52 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Think I'm comming.


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83 Blood Elf Rogue
:D Well damn, I would hope so. Otherwise, it would be rather dramatic! ;-;
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It was a lovely ceremony. Thanks for getting the word out about it.
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