Why people should care.

83 Blood Elf Rogue
Alright, this isn't exactly a lucky-go-happy post, but I feel it needs to be said. This isn't exactly a rant, but it's been on my mind for the past few weeks, and I would like to speak more openly about this said issue.

While we all know that this World of Warcraft that we play is a game, some people do like to take it seriously. Some, obviously a bit more than others, and some that don't care either way. Hey, I suppose whatever floats your boat, right? Well sure, to an extent.

When you're part of such a large, and fairly well known RP guild, wouldn't you think you would care about your own appearance to the dozens of Roleplayers who come to Sisters of Elune? Looking for something active, and without drama? I suppose maybe that's what I would be looking for if I was a newcomer, and interested in trying it for the first time, or a very well experienced person, too.

From some of the things i've seen in the past week or two,I can understand why people leave this server. Me? I could never do it, Not after all the time and effort i've built into my characters, written out complete nearly novels of how their lives unfolded before my eyes. It's something that I've loved for years, and still do. It's not really that people just leave for the sake of leaving to be at a more populated server, such as Wyrmrest Accord, or Moon Guard, we do have plenty of people here, but they're not the right people if they're only pushing them away.

I said I wouldn't target anyone in particular, because I can't. Not one singled out person is driving everyone away,and pissing into everyone's cheerio's, but I do know this goes without saying, if you can relate.

The line between IC and OOC has been blurred, forgotten about, and clearly just misconstrued to the point that I'm really wondering if the said Roleplayer's that pride themselves on knowing the difference, really know that at all. It's a great bothersome to me, because it's effecting me personally. When you have someone running' their mouth about your business all over the server, when it had NOTHING to do with anything In Character, I suppose I have the right to speak out against it.

I'm not trying to criticize anyone or anything in particular, but I just wanted to know if I'm not the only one who's been stuck in this situation before. For someone like me, who's really trying to give SoE that name it deserves, and does everything I can to welcome new people here, I think that this is the reason people should in fact care, and be more considerate to those who dedicate a part of their lives to this game. As ...bad as that may have sounded, I'm not afraid to say that WoW is a big part of my life, so why not try and make it more enjoyable?

>>; You have no idea how much stress this just relieved.

*Glances at clock, eyes widen*

I had completely forgotten today was..MY BIRTHDAY!..

That rogue who just wants to get her thoughts across~

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65 Blood Elf Warlock
I've had more than a few friends who've been terribly bothered and annoyed by individuals and guilds and subterranean promises or appendages of celestial objects and their leaders which tend to take IC grudges OOCly and vice versa, as well as who have terrible habits of spreading bad rumors, metagaming, and other actions that are not only bad form, but truly disgraceful to good RPers everywhere. Some of these friends of mine were so ticked off they did leave the server. some have returned only to leave again because the place is infested with certain bad influences.

it truly saddens me even more, though, that potentially good RPers often fall under the auspices of these bad eggs and turn into little more than bullies and purveyors of rotten RP.

on a seemingly unrelated note, I'd also like to point out that individual ambassadors are never as important as some people think they are, and even for a fantasy game such as this, star trek is really a terrible inspiration to follow for such a character profession.
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83 Blood Elf Rogue
I've had more than a few friends who've been terribly bothered and annoyed by individuals and guilds and subterranean promises or appendages of celestial objects and their leaders which tend to take IC grudges OOCly and vice versa, as well as who have terrible habits of spreading bad rumors, metagaming, and other actions that are not only bad form, but truly disgraceful to good RPers everywhere. Some of these friends of mine were so ticked off they did leave the server. some have returned only to leave again because the place is infested with certain bad influences.

it truly saddens me even more, though, that potentially good RPers often fall under the auspices of these bad eggs and turn into little more than bullies and purveyors of rotten RP.

on a seemingly unrelated note, I'd also like to point out that individual ambassadors are never as important as some people think they are, and even for a fantasy game such as this, star trek is really a terrible inspiration to follow for such a character profession.

Y'know, this is more of what I was getting at. It was shorter, sweeter, and with less of a rant. I think I'm in love. You're completely right about having bad form, and being disgraceful. I couldn't see one thing about this that isn't true.

*Glances up to my own post, sighing*
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04/20/2011 11:05 PMPosted by Røxanna
I had completely forgotten today was..MY BIRTHDAY!..

Happy Birthday!
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
How old, Roxanna? My grandma gave me birthday spankings for each year. I'd be happy to share the tradtion. *grins*
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I'll be the first to admit one of the reasons Celinthia had remained so cloistered for so long with guild only role play and not branching out was fear of the evil that is out there. I am a shy person by nature and have had so many things done OOCily to me in the past that I am a bit gun shy when it comes to role play.

Sure the things that happened to me happened over two years ago on this very server and I walked away and played on Moon Guard for a year. I have been back here for a long while now but I have not been branching out much. I watched several of my guild members go through things such as hateful letters for an accidental invite to our weekly event to someone. It was horrible and vindictive.

I agree there is a couple of bad eggs on this server, but us good eggs need to get louder and out there so we over shadow them.

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82 Human Rogue

I agree there is a couple of bad eggs on this server, but us good eggs need to get louder and out there so we over shadow them.

I think you're 100% right about this, Cel. There will always be people who want to grief, so our challenge is to learn to tune them out and keep doing our thing, even in the face of all that.

And yes, belated happy birthday, Rox. :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
First, Happy Birthday. Real life > game, period.

Second, to touch on the greater subject of the post....

I think folks lose sight of what is really going on sometimes. To put it in perspective, we all play pretend characters that belong to pretend clubs that exist in pretend cities on a pretend planet located in a pretend world.

Now... when it comes down to treating people poorly over this, doesn't it seem a bit silly?

People get all bent out of shape if they're not the star or the "most popular" of everyone. Honestly? Who cares about popularity? I don't. I never have and never will.

I could ramble on here about all sorts of things that have happened, but... meh. Fate deals with most in Her own sweet time. And honestly, some folks aren't worth the keystrokes.

Do what you're here for, sug: RP and have fun. Don't waste time on folks that just wanna play Diana Ross and stomp on others. It tends to free up a lot of time and cause a great deal fewer tears.

PS - Thanks again for the random RP the other night! x3 Was fun. :3
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85 Gnome Mage
Scraps what she was going to say because of this:

04/21/2011 04:33 AMPosted by Celinthia
I agree there is a couple of bad eggs on this server, but us good eggs need to get louder and out there so we over shadow them.

Edited by Nozz on 4/21/2011 12:05 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
04/21/2011 11:47 AMPosted by Bellamuerte
Now... when it comes down to treating people poorly over this, doesn't it seem a bit silly?


04/21/2011 11:47 AMPosted by Bellamuerte
People get all bent out of shape if they're not the star or the "most popular" of everyone. Honestly? Who cares about popularity?

Pfft, it's the MOST important thing, don't you know anything Bella!? DIDN'T YOU SEE MEAN GIRLS-- Oh wait.

In all seriousness, I understand where you're coming from entirely, Rox. As far as taking things seriously, I take RPing with others and making sure that everyone's "needs" are being met. That might sound silly (being the people-pleaser that I am), but I genuinely want people to get along OOCly and to have fun.

As for guild leadership and guild reputation, you're only as strong as your support. When I was an officer for <Arc>, I came to know this well. Setting an example is important for not just your guildies, but new roleplayers and everyone else in between. Learning to be humane, be understanding, and to an extent being patient are all qualities in a good guild officer and leader in representation of their guild.

Then again, several people are just inherently selfish and self-righteous. As I've said before, and I'll say again: We're all equal. We're all born (either one of two ways), we all eat, sleep, bio in varying amounts, and we eventually will die. Even behind a computer screen, you have no right to treat someone like crap on a shoe. If you don't get along, just simply don't talk to them. You can keep decorum about yourself and the RP community and still be happy not having to deal with someone.

EDIT: PS- Happy birthday.
Edited by Ellorah on 4/21/2011 12:15 PM PDT
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82 Human Rogue

As I've said before, and I'll say again: We're all equal. We're all born (either one of two ways), we all eat, sleep, bio in varying amounts, and we eventually will die.

If we had forum sigs here, I'd put this in mine.
Edited by Cathall on 4/21/2011 12:20 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/21/2011 12:14 PMPosted by Ellorah

"That's why her hair is so big; it's full of secrets!"

04/21/2011 12:14 PMPosted by Ellorah
As I've said before, and I'll say again: We're all equal. We're all born (either one of two ways), we all eat, sleep, bio in varying amounts, and we eventually will die.


We're just people. That's all. And while we can try to work things out, sometimes it doesn't happen. In the end, if you try and work through something with someone and it just won't fly, walk away from it. Sometimes, letting go can be the best thing for anyone.

Some folks will be bent on trying to wreck it all. In the end, they've stopped playing the game and are now spending their $15 a month to try and ruin other people's fun. How proud they must be of that.

Either way, you don't have to bow to it. Just keep on truckin'.
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83 Blood Elf Rogue
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! Oh, and i'm 19. The last teen year! ...;-;

But seriously thank you all for reading this, I didn't even expect half the responses I got. I know it's only a game, and there's always going to be those people. But damn, I was just getting sick of it. >:| But at least you're agreeing with what i'm saying! I wasn't very clear, probably because it was 4 AM and I just needed to ramble about it. ..It happens.

Oh, and I do hope to have more random RP Bella! It was great ^^;

/Licks ALL of you!

*Noms Birthday Cake*

Yes.. yes..I can have my cake, and eat it, too.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
*steals cake*


*leaves cookie*

Happy B-day :)
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83 Blood Elf Rogue

*Flops around helplessly and whines..*
*Takes cookie and is amused*

At first I was like T.T.. but then I was like..


Hehe, thank you! =D
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Happy Birthday or Grattis på födelsedagen if you're speakin my language...lol.

I agree with what everyone is saying here but I want to also elucidate on something someone said in here:

Three times this week, by different individuals, I've either been whispered or spoken outright to for RPing...I've been called all sort of terrible and hate-filled words that serve no purpose other than to attest to the intelligence of their users.

I've taken to action against these people. I've written GMs of guilds, I've filed formal complaints with WoW Game Masters and even gone so far as to turn their silly antics around on them via my RP skills (which do seem to shine when in the presence of morons...lol)

I agree that we, as a community, MUST come together and stand united against these type of people. Myself being a natural 'Carebear' at heart; want to see this server grow and prosper with the right type of player, RPer or not. I come here to escape the rigours of daily life in college and expect to enter an environment where I can enjoy myself...not be confronted by bigots and trolls...lol. I challenge all of you to do the same. Take our server back, not for the RPers alone but for those individuals who treat others the way they want to be treated. That alone would bring the RPers back to our fair server. :)
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04/21/2011 11:27 PMPosted by Kiuas
Three times this week, by different individuals, I've either been whispered or spoken outright to for RPing.

My favorite is still the whisper I received after emoting with an NPC innkeeper: "dude, you don't have to pay them. just take a bed."
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85 Night Elf Druid
Okay so I'm a little late on getting to the party >.> heh...

<3 the Original post and all the replies. This is a lot of what I was trying to get at in a previous post, though I addressed the sitution a bit more personally. I really want to point this out to a few characters/people I know mainly one in hopes it will duct tape his bum to the server.

Before Sisters of Elune I was a run down Guild Lead of one of the top raid guild on Dawnbringer until people started using it for a raid academy. I like to RP and I liked wow, but it had started to depress me. So mixed the two did some research and wound up here. SoE has been my home almost 2 years now.

As Rox said, I can't leave. So much has been made here, and it has to stay here.

Admitedly everytime I've thought about leaving the server one of two things has happened;

1. I left and made an alt for a me time fun break worked on leveling made a piddly story to go hang out with strangers, then two weeks later get homesick, and return home to SoE and start pressing for better days.

2. I've met new people I didn't realize I had passed in the streets of Stormwind or Orgrimmar and struck up a night worth of RP chatter drinks and what have you. Meeting these people and seeing some are as off their rocker as I am but still have morals to treat people decently and as people have made me rethink.

Its these people I stay, and do what I can, its these people I want to shove out to those looking for the good RP. And as far as the guilds go; I've found that a good guild is like finding good food in a forign place, they're thos little whole in the wall blink you're eyes you'll miss the best experience around type places.

Its to these people and many who have posted on the thread/ created the thread I say thank you. With all my geeky girly nerdy rageness. *Bows* Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!
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85 Gnome Mage
I agree with what everyone is saying here but I want to also elucidate on something someone said in here:

You're the second person this evening that's used that word, and yes it's kind of unusual for that to happen :)

04/21/2011 11:27 PMPosted by Kiuas
Three times this week, by different individuals, I've either been whispered or spoken outright to for RPing...I've been called all sort of terrible and hate-filled words that serve no purpose other than to attest to the intelligence of their users.

I just feel compelled to say, aside that it's deeply regrettable you had that experience, Kudos for recognizing that this kind of idiocy isn't indicative of the whole server. Some people are inclined to have a bad experience and blame an entire group rather than those directly responsible. There are good people and guilds here, but unfortunately there are some people running around that - I've discovered - have brought their FPS mentality to this game and try to turn every blessed thing into a competition. We share this server, and while we can't all get along, we ought to at least have a little pride and try our best to coexist. In my opinion, anyway.

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