Happy Friday, Sisters of Elune!

85 Gnome Mage
When I was little I thought it would be a good idea to give the dog a hair cut >_>
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/22/2011 04:42 PMPosted by Nozz
When I was little I thought it would be a good idea to give the dog a hair cut >_>

And how did this work out for you?
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85 Human Warrior

I taught my 5 year old nephew how to play my Mut Rogue, so he was doing my Argent Tourney dailies for me last summer during his month visit. Kids are glorious.

Teach him DPS rotations and bring the kid for a raid. I foresee a budding WoW'er. xD

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85 Gnome Mage
04/22/2011 04:59 PMPosted by Bellamuerte
When I was little I thought it would be a good idea to give the dog a hair cut >_>

And how did this work out for you?

Surprisingly, the dog tolerated it. My mother, on the hand ...

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86 Blood Elf Paladin
04/22/2011 04:42 PMPosted by Nozz
When I was little I thought it would be a good idea to give the dog a hair cut >_>

This reminds me of the time my son covered the cat in shaving cream, he sat there and took it. I am glad I caught him before he got to the razor. He was going to shave the cat like daddy shaves in the morning. >.<
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82 Human Rogue
04/22/2011 05:49 PMPosted by Celinthia
When I was little I thought it would be a good idea to give the dog a hair cut >_>

This reminds me of the time my son covered the cat in shaving cream, he sat there and took it. I am glad I caught him before he got to the razor. He was going to shave the cat like daddy shaves in the morning. >.<

Ever heard of a lion cut? >.>
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/22/2011 10:59 PMPosted by Cathall
Ever heard of a lion cut? >.>

Those are SO CUTE on kitties!
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85 Night Elf Mage
04/22/2011 05:49 PMPosted by Celinthia
When I was little I thought it would be a good idea to give the dog a hair cut >_>

This reminds me of the time my son covered the cat in shaving cream, he sat there and took it. I am glad I caught him before he got to the razor. He was going to shave the cat like daddy shaves in the morning. >.<

When I was 4, I wrote my name in 12" high letters on the bedroom carpet with chalk.
My mom: "Who did this?"
Me: "Heidi did."
Mom: "I'm glad Heidi can spell." Mom turns to walk away.
Me: "Yep. She did good."

I am an only child. Heidi was one of our dogs.

Kids are SO much fun!
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