The "Looking for RP Partners" Thread

85 Draenei Shaman
Purpose: I wanted to create one of these threads to help people level, spit ball ideas of each other, and once again promote role play all the way across the server.

You can post "You may know my character if....." then list a bunch of things your character has done where others could have seen you. Ex: You were a part of the Argent Crusade when blah blah blah happened.

Also, I encourage up and coming role players to post here. I've been seeing a lot of new faces on the forum, so here's a place for you to look for leveling buddies, or even make an RP family with older, or higher level toons.

So, you may know Anay if!
-You were a medic when the Exodar crashed, it's likely you tended to her.
-If you were a Vindicator in Farahlon or Shattrath before the orcs and the burning legion stomped on everything. (Anay's parents were prominent vindicators in the draenei community).
-If you're a part of the Earthen Ring. Anay has been trying very hard to help her fellow shamans out. (She's still conflicted about Orc Shamans, she takes them on a case by case basis. Bu Trolls are cool and goblins and tauren are too.)
Edited by Anainn on 4/25/2011 8:42 AM PDT
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85 Draenei Paladin
Sounds fun, here goes.

You may know Jeramakus if:

-You were a Vindicator at Karabor, participated in the battle to rescue the Priests and their families of Karabor.

-You also fought during the Burning Crusade, assisting the Shattered Sun to crash into Tempest Keep.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
You may know Kylea if:

- You're a priest.
- You're a Blood Knight.
- If you watched the Argent Tournament religiously each week.
- If you were involved in the efforts against the Lich King.
- If you're involved with the Orgrimmar orphanage.
- If you collect Gnomeboutins.
- If you sell Gnomeboutins.
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85 Human Priest
You may know Roldan if:

- You served with the 7th in Northrend. Specifically, Father Dyce was assigned at Wintergarde Keep where he tended to the wounded until The Incident. He was discharged and sent back home before the final assault against Icecrown Citadel.

- You work in or frequently visit the Cathedral. He regularly visits to pray and meditate.

- You frequent the Pig and Whistle. Despite some of the rougher clientele, this is Roldan's favorite tavern to enjoy his ale.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
You might know (of) Bells if:

- You are or were of the Blood Knight Order
- You were a participant in or observer of the Argent Tournament
- You were a part of the efforts against Icecrown Citadel
- You are affiliated with The Reliquary, especially digs in Kalimdor areas of Feralas, Tanaris, or Uldum
- You frequented the local markets in Silvermoon City (the girl loves to shop)
- You are a leatherworker by trade
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90 Human Hunter
And this post was reported because people can't enjoy fun. (Seriously, whoever does this? Get a life).

On to topic:

You may know Byrond if:

-You are (or affiliated) with the Stormwind Nobility.

-You're either with (or both) affiliated with the Textile and/or Leatherworking trade.

-You hunt dangerous animals for sport.
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24 Human Priest
I love these!

You might know Jaena if:

-You grew up or were involved with the orphanage in Stormwind. Both she and Aerysse (I'll get her bio up as soon as I can) grew up there. Jae was the shy one that tended to take care of the babies and younger kids, too shy to be involved much with those her own age and older.

- You serve or visit the Cathedral in Stormwind. She's been serviing as a novice and healer trainee for the past year. She's the one scurrying around trying not to be noticed as she runs errands and learns her lessons.

- You teach at the Cathedral or have taught the orphans. She's the shy one who does ok with her studies, stammers and can barely be heard if asked to answer verbally, and if you teach healing the one with definite potential to be a very strong healer and herbalist.

- You live in the mage sector of Stormwind. She and Aerysse have just rented a garret room and moved out of their apprentice quarters to start life on their own. You'd see her as she walks along the canals to the Cathedral, normally singing softly to herself unless she notices people noticing her!
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10 Human Mage
You probably know Aerysse if:

- You grew up or visited or taught at the orphanage in Stormwind. She grew up there with Jaena. She was the beautiful one in the corner with her nose in a book, ignoring the boys who would try to get her attention by various sorts of showing off. Never worked, she found them tedious. But heaven help anyone who tried to mess with Jae... Aerysse studied a few books and developed quite a left hook.

- You hang around or teach at the mage's tower. She was meant for apprenticeship since she wandered into the tower to look at the books at the age of 5. They chased her out but she kept coming back. Once they took a look, they realized she was meant to be there. Known as odd, but potentially powerful as a frost mage.

- You're often at the Cathedral. She comes to visit Jae now and again, might have seen her walking to and from.

-And finally, you spend any time in the mage's quarter in Stormwind. As stated before, they just got their own place. She can sometimes be found on a bench reading a book or sketching in her journal.
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85 Orc Shaman
You may know Foegrim if:

-You spent alot of time in Netherwing Ledge years ago.
-You participated or spectated in the Argent Tournament
-Frequent the Wyvern's Tail
-You are a member of the Earthen Ring. Specifically if you aided the group in the Twilight Highlands.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
YOu may know Celinthia if:

- You were with the Farstriders during the rise of the scourge and destruction of Silvermoon.
- You were a member of a noble house or affiliated with one before the destruction of Silvermoon.

- You recently trained or were training to be a blood knight
- You did any scouting for the horde in the Outlands
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
You may know Veleiria if:

-You spent a lot of time on or around murder row
- You ever looked to hire someone to gain something for you.
- You were in the triage center healing when the orphanage she was raised in burned down. (note: This would have been fairly long time ago)

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85 Undead Mage
You may know Meteorus if:

You served with the Silver Hand outside of Darrowmere. Only he was the camp tailor Fenton Threadneedle then.

You served in the Royal Apothecary Society. Meteorus was punished for substituting a wolf for a certain farmer's pet in an experiment.

You needed vestments repaired while working with the Argent Crusade, and didn't mind working with an undead tailor.

You are in need of custom fitted flesh-works or embroidery to cover your bones.
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85 Night Elf Druid
I might have far too many characters to start doing this, but I'm always up for making connections!

You might know [of] Hiccup if:

You lived with or frequently visited the Wildhammer Dwarves of the Hinterlands in the years leading up to the incident at Mount Hyjal.

You were training or teaching in Moonglade for the years following until about mid-way through the campaign in Northrend. Bonus points if you have a thing for hopeless cases.

You currently work for or with the Earthen Ring, though more likely you know her through her adoptive sister Diedra Lightninghelm.

You have been healed in the Stormwind Cathedral since the Cataclysm. She doesn't work there officially, but she helped a priestess there for awhile following. You would have only seen her the once before she vanished most likely.
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90 Gnome Mage
You might know Axelpyre if:

You were a student of Herbalism in Old Stormwind four decades ago. (When his hair was green not white.) You may have known him as Professor Cogswaddle.

You read the book "Flora of Azeroth, both Useful and Pretty, a Field Guide" the first 'rub and scent' book in Stormwind's research library.

You served with the Silver Hand outside of Darrowmere where Axel was known for getting herbs from places most humans couldn't fit, or wouldn't go.

You played chess, or watched matches, in the Legerdemain Lounge in Daleran between sorties for the Argent Crusade just before the end of the war in Northrend.
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85 Draenei Paladin
As a note for Lia, her memory is pretty shot. So chances are she won't remember people, and she will appear very different than if you knew her before the crash.

You might know Lia if:

You took part in the capture of the Exodar. She fought on the front lines, though might have stood out for her young age and ferocity.

You required healing after the crash. She spent a good amount of time seeing to the survivors as she regained her memories. She would have seemed preoccupied, lost and easily upset, but she did her job well.

You have a vested interest in the conflict between the Scryers and the Aldor. Despite everything, Lia was willing to give Voren'thal and his followers a chance.

You are very good with directions. She has probably asked you how to get somewhere more than once if you often do business in Stormwind.

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85 Night Elf Death Knight
You might remember Aeralynn if:

You were in Quel'thalas during the 2-3 decades before the Sunwell incident (destruction of Silvermoon) and had relations with the Convocation of Silvermoon.

You fought with the Scarlet Crusade in the years following the Sunwell incident (destruction of Silvermoon)

You disguised yourself as a Brunhildir Babe and heard one of the challengers shout, "Take that stinkypants!" instead of something relating to wearing body parts as jewelry or taunts of arrogant, dominant, strong, bloodthirsty indications one would expect.

You were in Tol Barad and wondered why a dozen or more crocolisks were piled in one spot ready to be skinned. (chain pull + AoE ftw)
Edited by Aeralynn on 4/27/2011 5:08 AM PDT
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You may know Rongar if:

  • You are a member of the Bladewind Clan (
  • You served during various conflicts with the Alliance and had Rongar assigned to your unit as battlefield healer
  • Rongar retired from active duty before the conflict in Northrend; if your character also stayed behind, you might have easily bumped into each other in Orgrimmar
  • Post Shattering, Rongar has become more involved with the Orgrimmar orphanage
  • Always interested in other healing methods, Rongar is an avid herbalist. If you share his passion for the healing powers of plants, you might have run into each other while picking flowers and exchanged ideas for herbal remedies and ointments
  • Some plants and berries can also be distilled for more "fun" purposes: if you enjoy making and drinking a good home-brew liquer, you might have exchanged some tips and recipes with Rongar
  • Since the Shattering, Rongar has had a hard time avoiding the late night doledrums (also a great song by the La's - If you are a regular at the Wyvern Tail Inn (aka Cheers), you've probably seen him and shared a few drinks.
Edited by Rongar on 4/26/2011 12:17 PM PDT
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85 Gnome Rogue
You may know Tripsy if:
:: You're a homebrewer.
:: You talk shop with mechanical engineers, inventors or metalsmiths.
:: You've worked with SI:7.
:: Your unit in Northrend employed scouts.
:: You enjoy lingering over an extended breakfast (or a few pints) in Ironforge or Stormwind public houses.
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85 Blood Elf Priest
You may know Ashlinn if:

-You are or intended to train in the ways of a priest.
-You find yourself in constant need of a tailor or alchemist.
-You frequent Silvermoon or Dalaran.
-You happen to be adventuring through Outlands recently.(Pilgrimage)
Edited by Ashlinn on 5/3/2011 1:24 AM PDT
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76 Gnome Warrior
You may know Brob if:

-You have a sense of humor.
-You woke up with a hang over.
-You think being forced to leave Gnomeragan was a good thing for the Gnomish race.
-You enjoy geopolitical debates and think Wrynn and Garrosh are both absurdly bad for the world.
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