The "Looking for RP Partners" Thread

85 Draenei Paladin
You may know Sàcha if:
*You are an Exodar Vindicator
*You are a Draenei that was born in, or before, the inhabitation of Draenor
*You fought with the Shattered Sun
*You like to pub crawl (and can keep up)
*You frequent the trade area in Stormwind, especially the bank or auction house
*You are a dwarf (refer to pub crawl)
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
You might know Lumenaria if:

You joined the Shattered Sun Offensive to restore Quel'Thalas to glory.
You hang out at Murder Row, the Cleft of Shadows, or other "shady" places
You frequent the salons (barbershop)
You frequent the Magical Menagerie in Dalaran
You have ever seen an elf laughing in delight as she sets someone on fire (particularly gnomes)
You have spent time at the Argent Tournament
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72 Gnome Priest
05/05/2011 09:33 AMPosted by Lumenaria
You have ever seen an elf laughing in delight as she sets someone on fire (particularly gnomes)

/makes a wide circle around Lumenaria
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90 Blood Elf Warlock

/makes a wide circle around Lumenaria

Better be greater than 30 yards.

/cast immolate
/cast conflagrate

*sings* "The roof the roof the roof is on fire..."

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32 Human Priest
You may know DreTsherma GhostThorn if:

You live and work in the Cathedral in SW
You hunt (or wander) frequently in the forest of Elwynn
You are or have ever been a Lorefinder
You study ancient or unusual scripts in Stormwind
You study literature/lore of individual ethnic groups
You spend much time in the Cathedral, the Park, or the Dwarven District
You have bought clothing from her
You are from Southshore
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85 Human Warrior
[[Doing another character to bump a bit, and since I have so darn many]]

You may know Toph if:

You worked with, or had any connections to the SW orphanage in the past decade. She just left to join the army about 2 years ago.

You needed some work done that required muscle. She likes to show off and tends to take mercenary jobs to prove herself.

You spend a good amount of time in the SW taverns. She'd be the loud one at the bar who doesn't look old enough to be drinking as heavily as she does.

You are put off with, or take interest in teenagers that believe they are way too big for their britches. She likes to boast and pick fights publicly. She's gotten in some trouble with guards in the past, so if you work in an official capacity, you've probably had to escort her out of a sticky situation before.
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87 Gnome Priest
You may know Grommet if:

You were in Gnomeregan after the city fell. She came of age in a holdout center where she served as a midwife and nurse.

You served in the Duskwood Militia. Up to 6 months before the Cataclysm, she served as a Recon Mage and field medic. (Yes, for two years Grommet was a Mage, she was in her early 50's when re-rolled.)

You have attended a fishing event.

You needed a Gnomish Midwife in Stormwind.

You are a follower of the Order of the Infinite Lever (a Gnomish "religion.")

You have worked with Gnomeregan's Covert Ops Medical Recon-Decon team. Especially during the period leading up to the retaking of Gnomeregan.

You are a regular in the Blue Recluse. Grommet rarely cooks for herself and pretty much lives and studies there when at home in Stormwind.

You are a member of the Stormwind Guard, and arrested or processed her for "removing bills and notices without authorization."
Edited by Grommet on 5/25/2011 9:14 AM PDT
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85 Night Elf Druid
You may know Mira if:

-You grew up in Ashenvale in the hills near the Shrine of Asinna.
-Follow Malfurion and Tyrande religiously.
-You ventured into the dream or helped care for the bodies of dreaming druids before Malfurion's awakening and the Third war.
-Served on the ground in the Third War.
-Recently (Within the past 6-8 months) Made trips to Feathermoon to Train among Shandris Feathermoons' regimine as a Sentinel Huntress.
-Spent time in Darkshore restoring and aiding after the Shattering.
Edited by Miradollia on 5/31/2011 10:51 PM PDT
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88 Human Warlock
You may know Josa if;

-You were a child in Stromwind as the city was being rebuilt.
-Became a part of the Defias or had a parent among the organization.
- Serves as a freelancer through the SW guard and Hearthglen.
- Spend time in the libraries and tracking down books dealing with various variety of glyphs and their magiks.
-Spent a fair amount of time in Booty Bay, she would have been seen working about the docks or in the pub.
- Have any dealings with illegal trafficing, usually dealing with Noble's jewels and various alchemic concoctions.
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90 Worgen Priest
You may know Sahirra if;

-You spend a fair about of time at the Cathedral or in the libraries.
- Attend Dr. Jone's seminars and classes as well as a few digging expeditions.
- Regularly serve the Alliance in the battle fields fighting horde, or healing the soldiers.
- Show an interest in Sindorei history.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
You may know Aerissette if;

-You spend time in the lower classed shadier places of the cities.
-Frequent the pubs and hear her odd accent bickering about poor service and lousy company.
- Sail a lot and spend time in Stormwind Harbor and notice on a random boat a drunken draenei singing dwarven tunes or sitting watching the sunrise.
-If you were often sent to assault Naxxaramas she would have been acting as one of the Meat shields.
-Before her Death she struggles to remember most likely denying she does even when she knows exactly who you are. She may be known from her time on Draenor and serving the Aldor as a mage.
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You may know Mair'ryx if;

- You spend a fair amount of time around the Echo Isles, she tends to keep to the most southern one with the fewest inhabitants if any.
- You have heard whispers of Wilderness stalkers.
-Saw her brother Flin'ryx out having a good time and nagging about his sister Mai.
-you tend to guild ledgers and rosters in orgrimmar or anything to do with Book keeping. She's not the best at it by far but she's more organized than her brother.
-You have ever noticed an overly curious Troll druid cat form roaming about or lerking in the shadows.
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46 Troll Shaman
You may know Flin'ryx if;

-You spend time and enjoy assisting the horde in the battle fields.
-Spent time in the Wyvern's Tail and enjoy the drinks.
- Like his sister he spends a lot of time in the Echo Isle's meditating and connecting with the Loa.
- though older than his sister, he still is training to become a better Wilderness stalker.
- Instead he tends to work when he must and find a good party when he's not.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
You may know Nait if;

- You serve and dedicate a lot of your time to the Blood Knight Order.
- Have been sent on a variety of patrols.
- Are a Blood Knight Master teaching the art of Protection and healing.
- Were sent early to Northrend to serve in the first assaults.
- Spent time in the Silvermoon City Infermary during the war in Northrend. She was the one who slept for what seemed like months waking with little memory of her life or how she came to be.
-you met her sister Shatahl in the assault on the Icecrown Citadel.
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85 Night Elf Mage
You may know Koyia if;

- You spent time assisting Darkshore after the shattering.
- Spend time studying under the Highborn in Darnassus.
- Spend time in the Mage academy in Stormwind.
-Helped the young Kaldore when she was lost in Stormwind usually trying to find water suitable for her companion treant to drink.
- Spent time in Darnassus finding homes for children whose parents were lost in the Shattering. Koyia would be one of the young Kaldore's placed with a surviving family member.

((*Flails* I think that covers my characters hehe <3))
Edited by Koyia on 5/31/2011 11:31 PM PDT
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85 Worgen Hunter
You may know Twilly if...

You were in the battle for Gilneas.
You were in the stocks waiting to see if your dose of anti-curse potion would work.
You frequented the temple to Elune in Darnassus or the Cathedral of the Light in Stormwind
You fought along the humans of Sentinal Hill against the gnolls and defias.
You aided the Night Watch and helped fend off the wild worgen in Duskwood.
You train with the gnomish engineers in Stormwind.
You like to frequent the docks in Stormwind and watch the ships come in.
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5 Human Priest
(trying to post for the alts I spend the most time on these days...)

You may know Brother Atanas if:

- You have been in the Cathedral much at all
- You spend much too much time in the library
Edited by Atanas on 6/2/2011 2:58 PM PDT
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11 Human Paladin
You probably don't know Tso, however, he has been seen in Goldshire and Eastern Elwynn quite a lot lately. Those of you who make the Inn your dwelling will know that he stays there frequently for a few days at a time. While there, he spends almost all of his time either working in the kitchen or closeted in his room. He keeps to himself.
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39 Human Warrior
You may know Saille if:

- You drink too much
- You fight too much
- You are from Westfall
- You are related to the Hamns of Westfall (now cheese merchants with a little shop across the street from Trias' shop)
- You have spent some time drinking in or fighting for the Stoneshield Brewery (in which context she is just another mercenary who wandered in off the street)
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85 Tauren Death Knight
You may know Bakun if..

.You are a female who spends time around silvermoon.
.You were a face he met while he served th Lich king.
.You were involved in bringing the Walls of Ice Crown down.
.You spent most of your time fighting Alliance, and used any excuse to do so.
. You know spend time in Tol'Barad just to waste a few alliance.
.I you have a deep hate for Alliance.
.If you are another Tauren.
.If your a Goblin that got stepped on (you knew him. R.I.P)
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