The "Looking for RP Partners" Thread

82 Human Rogue
You may know Lysarius if...

-You had been apart of Arthas' small army who landed in Howling Fjord for the first time and founded Valgarde in search of Mal'Ganis

-You enjoy fishing in Stormwinds many canals

-You frequent cold, snow covered zones which he enjoys hiking
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14 Dwarf Rogue
You might know Mamo if:

- You are a banker (or a bank alt)
- You are a Dwarf
- You are a Bronzebeard
- You are involved in shady or rogueish dealings
- You spend time in SW, Ironforge or Lakeshire and are (IC) sociable
- You go shopping for custom leatherwork
- You are involved with the Explorers' League
- You like to drink and fight in major cities or Lakeshire
- You had something to do with one or more of the old stories "Gnomeregan Mafia", "Avmella's Capture", or (the best of the 3 imo) "Sahdenclo" (I was purely peripheral in all 3)
- You are involved in IC cross faction commerce

Races more likely to know Mamo are Alliance, Tauren, and Troll. She is on friendly terms with a select few trolls/tauren (favors traded in the past), and in feuds with a select few (other?) trolls. Vast majority of interaction is same-faction.
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90 Night Elf Druid
You might know Moonjava
- If you run in the Fellwood
- If you have been to the Moonglade
- If you have fought against the Ogres in Dire Maul
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( Whoops, wrong server. )
Edited by Vorledare on 6/25/2011 10:20 PM PDT
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90 Human Rogue
You might know Cayo if:

  • You've ever accidentally been shivved in broad daylight while wandering the Arathi Highlands.

  • You've ever been thrown out of SI:7, personally, by Mathias Shaw.

  • You are the proprietor of a dimly lit public house or otherwise craft and sell fine ale.

  • You've ever owed money to Jorach Ravenholdt.

  • You've ever dropped your soap in the showers of the Stormwind Stockade.

  • You're a Blood Elf. A male Blood Elf. A male Blood Elf Rogue. And don't look at me that way. They're what's for dinner.
  • Edited by Cayo on 6/26/2011 1:40 AM PDT
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    85 Blood Elf Warlock
    You may know Ellorah if...

    - You're an herbalist.
    - You're an accomplished demonologist of any degree.
    - You're involved with the Royal Apothecary Society.
    - You've received any immunizations since the assault in Ulduar.
    - You're a wine connoisseur or distributor.
    - You're nobility. (She's a baroness.)
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    85 Blood Elf Rogue
    You might know Molly if...

    - You were a Stormwind Guard between ten and twelve years ago. (She's a half-elf and was born there.)
    - You sell cosmetics.
    - You used to frequent Booty Bay before The Shattering.
    - You or your kids attend magister training in Silvermoon City.
    - You frequent places that sell children's-anything.
    - You buy or sell jewelry.
    - You were ever employed by the Scryers for anything.
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    100 Undead Warrior
    You may know Mstar if:

      Your character is old. Mstar was among the first forsaken to be freed in Frozen Throne.

      You spend much time in Tirsfal Glades or the Plaguelands. Mstar likes to visit the home turf.

      Baron Rivendare owes you a horse.

      You collect pets, mounts, or both.

      You're like to function as a go between for various factions. ((working towards Exalted, not far to go))

      You've ever looked for weapons or armor in Undercity.

      You would like to see Silvermoon fully repaired.

      You would put duty ahead of personal desire.
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    90 Night Elf Druid
    I got told to come look at the forums as a source of finding rp, and jsut couldn't pass this up!

    You may know Jan if...

    *You've ever been hurt in the middle of no where
    *If you have ever been swooped apon by a large bird
    *Seen a cat slowly walking around Stormwind looking for some sort of companion
    *Have even been all alone in the streets of Stormwind, and had a cute teddy-bear like creature come up to you for snuggles.
    Edited by Janalardras on 8/28/2011 2:15 PM PDT
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    90 Blood Elf Warrior
    You may know Tel is~

    . You have a passion for fighting, and have crossed his path
    .Have a deep understanding for Alliance
    .Are living near any Alliance settlements in the Hinterlands
    . Are one of the many he talks to daily in Silvermoon
    .Took part in bringing down the Lich King, and stuch around after to party it up with news to his death
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