
90 Blood Elf Paladin
When talking about lore we often mention figures like Metzen, Golden or Knakk, all writers of this wonderful world we have come to love. We often seem to overlook a team that takes these words and translates them into epic videos. The last issue of the World of Warcraft magazine included an interview with the team in charge of bringing the lore alive, the cinematics team.

I have a few questions for you:

1. What was the first Blizzard made video you saw?

2. What is (in your ever so humble opinion) the best Blizzard made video?

3. How have the cinematics influenced your characters' stories?

Mine is Arthas' Betrayal:

First video I saw, best video they've ever made.

Shamelessly copy-pasted some of the original post on
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1. What was the first Blizzard made video you saw?
The intro to Tides of Darkness - replayed that a few times before even starting the game.

2. What is (in your ever so humble opinion) the best Blizzard made video?
That is a tough one - I do really like the Deathwing video to set the mood for Cataclysm. Of all the videos Blizzard has done, that one looks like a full-on Hollywood disaster movie to me. Just excellent.

3. How have the cinematics influenced your characters' stories?
Tides of Darkness convinced me to play orcs first. Those shining knights running around like chicken with their heads cut off at the sight of the invading Horde... no thanks.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Deathwing Fun Fact:

The inspiration for our lovable villain's skin came from a lobster tail Johnathan Berube (Cinematic VFX Art Director) brought to work. Story says he finished eating it and brought it on a lil' doggie bag x)
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That explains a lot. I just ate a Snickers bar, and I am not very inspired right now.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
1. What was the first Blizzard made video you ever saw?
Arthas' Betrayal.
When anyone ever mentions a WoW cinematic, I distinctly remember seeing the rose petals shower Arthas.

2. What is (in your ever so humble opinion) the best Blizzard made video?
The Wrath of the Lich King opening cinematic by far. I'm not sure if they'll ever be able to top it.

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85 Night Elf Druid
1. What was the first Blizzard made video you saw? Medvih speaking to Thrall in a dream; WCIII

2. What is (in your ever so humble opinion) the best Blizzard made video? Probably the one above. I also really loved VanillaWoW intro.

3. How have the cinematics influenced your characters' stories? n/a I'm afraid.
Edited by Essalra on 4/27/2011 6:00 PM PDT
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