1900-2k xp on few toons , LF 2's or 3's

85 Blood Elf Rogue
Have hit 1800-2k on few toons since season 5 . Ive always been in top 4-5 rated rogues on SoE pre Cata . Lookin for partners with intermediate pvp xp pre Cata, which means if you couldnt hit 1800 + before Cata might not be in the intermediate range :) due to the easy non balance. Hit me up in game.
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85 Human Rogue
Good rogue, get in on that people.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Ive never seen you Annullo o.O Dueeelll me
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90 Orc Warrior
04/20/2011 10:00 PMPosted by Ramza
Ive never seen you Annullo o.O Dueeelll me
Yes you have hehe. Both of these toons are ex <WGS>.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
04/20/2011 12:35 PMPosted by Annullo
Ive always been in top 4-5 rated rogues on SoE pre Cata

This qualifies as bragging rights? So does that mean I can run around saying I'm top rated Paladin on SoE and I still have eight blues when I pvp!!!?!?!?! Time to edit my signature
Edited by Zirene on 4/21/2011 1:33 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
Ive always been in top 4-5 rated rogues on SoE pre Cata

This qualifies as bragging rights? So does that mean I can run around saying I'm top rated Paladin on SoE and I still have eight blues when I pvp!!!?!?!?! Time to edit my signature
Well considering every season before this 1 i was usually 4/5 set Rating gear, & this season pretty much hands alot of people there gear...Yea..it does entitle you to make a comment like this 1...Although ratings before this season were more important cuz it didnt hand you gear, there are alot of people who couldnt even get there weapons prevoius season & finally got it this 1 ,turn around & act like they are good..it shows the better quality of pvp skills Pre Cata xD. ANYWAYZ thnx for the bump
Edited by Annullo on 4/21/2011 8:57 PM PDT
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85 Human Rogue
No, need to bash I have seen him duel people he is skilled.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I guess none of you knew of Eics, Evasion, Hemosexual, Miece. Probably the top 4 rogues on SoE. Or were on SoE for awhile.
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85 Human Rogue
^^ that.
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85 Tauren Death Knight
Have hit 1800-2k on few toons since season 5 . Ive always been in top 4-5 rated rogues on SoE pre Cata . Lookin for partners with intermediate pvp xp pre Cata, which means if you couldnt hit 1800 + before Cata might not be in the intermediate range :) due to the easy non balance. Hit me up in game.

Still looking for that 2's partner? my mage chronixx is lookn for a good 2's or 3's partner I know my class and I can also go frost or arcane depending on how were doing hit me up in game .
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