IC Pet Peeves

85 Draenei Shaman
Meaning, what are a few of your character's pet peeves?

Anay is a pretty peaceful, happy go lucky, easily confuzzled Draenei. But she does have a few things that just strike her the wrong way. Mainly, Anay really hates when people flaunt being intelligent or being rude in general around her. It not only makes her feel bad about herself, but she worries how it makes other people feel.

On the opposite side, if you're polite or even remotely nice, she'll think the world of you.
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Let's see... no real pet peeves, more quirks.

  • Rongar is rather apprehensive of the Undead. Won't go to Undercity, won't take food prepared by an Undead character. Don't tell him to stop drinking.
  • Kraddak is a "get off my lawn, kids" kind of guy who'll start raging if you stick your nose in things that are strictly orc business. Otherwise he's rather agreeable.
  • Alliance side, Larren is a bit bothered by Worgen who stay in their transformed stage.
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85 Gnome Mage
Nozz: With the exception of Malfos, the world is her pet peeve.
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85 Gnome Rogue
Bad design.
Oversized people who refer to her as "little."
Engineers who cheat by using magic.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
When people call her a death knight...

But Aera... you <are> a death knight.

Says who? Just because the words "death knight" pop up when you highlight my character or shift-click my name in chat, doesn't mean <your> character automatically knows that she's a death knight. She isn't. Granted I explain this somewhat in her MyRp description, but still.

This might be more of a player pet peeve, as was mentioned in another thread about "seeing" peoples' names above their heads and greeting them as if you already know them when you've never met before.

I mean take a mage or warlock for instance... say you have a little shopkeeper in the canals of Stormwind wrapped in reasonably priced but still eye-catching robes: you're not gonna know if she's a great sorceress who single-handedly blew up that dwarf village which is no more than a pile of rubble and ash today.

Or... stand up seven dwarf men by a wall, strip em down to their undershorts and have a passer-by come point out who is the warrior, paladin, hunter, shaman, etc.

Sure there are going to be some clues or hints as to one's path in life, but it shouldn't be automatic character knowledge. /end rant.
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31 Worgen Rogue
For Isaias, those who refuse to learn to correct their ignorance
For Calixzi, her ex
For Adolph here, people saying 'What?' when he speaks
For my druid, not enough single worgen druids out there!
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85 Undead Mage
Meteorus: Visible bones.

Axelpyre: Mean people.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Wouldn't the icy blue glow from the eyes give her away as a death knight Aera?

As for Kali:
- Gnomes
- Rogues
- Plagueblooms
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85 Night Elf Druid
Nozz: With the exception of Malfos, the world is her pet peeve.

I have three words for you Nozz: Night Elf, Mailbox.

For Hiccup - she gets annoyed with people when they don't just say what they mean. Don't bore her with pleasantries about the weather or congratulations on a job well done. Tell her what you want, or leave her alone. She also gets annoyed with other druids who are proud of their abilities.

Lia is very laid back, and usually too confused to get angry or offended. But she doesn't like bugs much.
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