Woe is me

When you cancel your subscription, you often don't think about the people you leave behind. I met someone who ment a lot to me here, on this server, and she and I had a fight of all fights. I cancelled my subscription, and left for months. But I got an e-mail this morning. Just as I decide I might come back and renew.

She has lung cancer. I'm scared for her, and I've flown out to see her. She's doing well so far, but I need some help guys. What can I do?

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
The best way to deal with cancer is with optimism, its not a death sentence. My father was given a 5% chance of survival, 15 years ago. My best advice would be to be her support system, listen to her and do your best to keep her focusing on the positive things. And for what its worth, this pally is sending her best wishes to your friend.
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85 Human Rogue
Same here, tell her I wish her best of luck and that she will get well soon.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Why, hullo, Ag.

First of all, give her my best, please? I'mma send all sorts of warm fuzzies and good energy her way.

As for you, I'mma send you some, too. But... what help you need? Ear? Advice? What can I do?

*hugs*, kk? You're gonna be alright. Promise.

<3 and peace,
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