"I've put this off for far too long."

90 Dwarf Paladin
"I regret to announce -- this is the end. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell."

This has been a long time coming, so long in fact that most of you probably don't know and/or don't care. If that's the case, I ask you to indulge an old grognard as he gets his parting shots in.

It's funny, I often thought I'd have one last hurrah by making some big dramatic RP post when it came to this point. I don't have it in me though. I'm leaving because the game has changed, or I have, or some combination thereof, but Azeroth has lost its luster to me.

So, my game time runs out on the 2nd of May. For those of you who want to keep in touch and don't have a means of doing so already, shoot me an in-game mail. I'll be checking things out before the 2nd, getting things in order.

SOE may be pretty much the backwater of the WoW world, but it's been home to me ever since I landed here from Scarlet Crusade, so many years ago.

Take care of this place. It's home to the best communities I've ever seen in any game, and I will fondly remember my time here.
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85 Gnome Mage

I have so many fond memories of Alberich, although it didn't start out that way. Because you see, one of the first memories I have is of Alberich in his RP gear and he looked scary. I mean, you actually frightened both the player and character! Then a certain night elf encouraged me not to be so sheepish, and, well ... things have never been the same since.

You gave me a place to hang out when I chose to associate with probably the two most anti-social people (read: jerks) on the server. And that time we excitedly tried out GHI at the Argent Tourney still makes me smile. You've given me a lot of good memories about this place. Not to mention all of the help you gave to Ferencz.

Alberich, I never did put this into words - but for a very long time those flowers made me smile through what was probably the toughest part of my existence. Words aren't adequate to thank both you and the rest of the Boomsticks crew for the kindnesses shown, except to say it helped me heal.

This isn't a goodbye, because I know how to stalk you. And maybe - just maybe - in the not so distant future, a certain gnome will come around knocking.

You'd better have some bread ready ;-)

Nozz and Ferencz
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Gonna miss you, bud.

I miss hanging in the bank in Shatt and starting the crazy dance parties. Lots of good memories. Take care of yourself and pop by the website once in a while to say 'hello'


safe travels, old friend
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