Ode to Patch Day

Patch day, patch day, cannot log in -
Why are all my add-ons gone?
Taking in this whole disaster
When will the next hot-fix come?

Finally I’m riding high, and
Eagerly to Zul’Aman;
Replaying familiar content
Grinding it as best I can.

(Set to music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIx_5ilir-U
...and yes, I did have too much time on my hands during lunch.)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I had mentally prepared to set this to Rebecca Black.

Your choice of music made it even better, imo. xD
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You want Rebecca Black?

7 AM, waking up in the morning
Gotta log on, gotta load the patch
Gotta have my cup, gotta have coffee
Slowly loadin', the time is goin’
Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s login’
Gotta get mine from the server
Gotta load my patch, to be there first (there first)

Starin’ at my modem
Starin’ at my load screen
Gotta make my mind up
Which dungeon do I raid?

It's patch day, patch day
Gotta get down on patch day
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to new content, content
Patch day, patch day
Gettin’ down on patch day
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to new content

Grindyin’, grindyin’ (Yeah)
Grindyin’, grindyin’ (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin’ forward to new content

(Swiftly going from Beethoven to Black, you know the end of civilization is near...
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85 Human Warrior
-strafes Rongar down with a 40K Psilencer Gatling Gun-
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