Looking for earlier raid time guild

85 Blood Elf Hunter
As the titel says I am looking for a guild that raids a bit earlier than my current guild. Though I love love love Cry of Luna raiding with them is just not do-able on a regular basis. They raid from 1030-2 server time so I would like to find a guild that runs around my work schedule. I would like a start time somewhere after 6pm server and an end time no later than midnight server time. Any days are ok but I wont be online till about 9pm on thurs, fri, sat and sun. I have multiple toons and yes I know the classes, roles and all that. I know most of the raids by readin up on them but havent expirienced them all due to the time constraints. Here is a list of my toons
Linndrah, Hunter ( mm / Surv ) 354 Item level easily 12k dps or higher
Elysah, Shamman ( resto / ele ) 352 Item level and going up
Leighah, Priest ( Shadow / Holy ) 347 Item level
Eroviah, Palladin ( Prot ) fresh 85, just getting into heroics

I am willing to raid with ANY of my toons though I prefer my hunter or shammy.
And just to avoid any silly questions:
I am non stupid
I am ready at least 10 mins before raid time with flasks, feasts, food, and anything else I will need
I am a healpfull person, I am on most of my free days but during the day I do afk alot for my kids.
I am willing to change specs on any toon for a guild as long as it is requested not demanded.
I am a laid back woman, I dont need alot of help, I dont ask alot of stupid questions, I do my own research, and I have been raiding since MC was a challange.

If this sounds like I might fit in please mail me in game or reply here. I will NOT leave Cry of Luna unless I am promised at least one spot one night a week ( I realize that other raiders may have normal spots and that is understandable but most guilds raid more than once a week hense the one night spot request )

Thanks all for your time
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85 Troll Druid
Give apples a shout =) we're looking for some experienced dps atm

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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Thanks Stolichnaya, I thought about that but didnt know if my availible times were ok, but I put in the app on your site. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to run with you guys :)
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85 Blood Elf Hunter

I am still looking around if anyone knows a guild to try for
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90 Undead Priest
Hi Linndrah,
We are looking for some more players. Check out this post to see if you are interested.


Thanks for your time.
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