A Good Read - Magazines for Your Character


90 Blood Elf Paladin
In a short story (just a bridge to an in-game storyline, really), I mentioned that my character, Genarianna, had received junk mail parchment which told her she could win an "all-expense paid trip"... but then prompted her to order magazines. This begged the question of what magazines she would actually read, and after giving it a bit of thought, I came up with a few for her (and Bells, of course).

I thought I'd throw it out here for you all, just to get a glimpse into your characters:

If your character had magazine/periodical subscriptions, what would they be reading?

Bells probably subscribes to:

    Blood Knight - The Official publication of the Blood Knight Order.
    EQ (Elven Quarterly) - Why should only the boys get to wear those neat clothes?
    Vanity Fair: Quel'thalas Edition - A publication she's long subscribed to, I'd figure.
    Crop and Bit - All about horses, of course. ;)
    Modern Mother - A monthly for working moms.

We won't talk about the stash of other publications she keeps, which may or may not include things like a Goblin Gentleman's Magazine.

For Genna, I'd say:

    Full Moon and High Tide - A Nethermancer's trade monthly for women.
    Ellef - Sin'dorei couture.
    sELF - Sin'dorei women's publication.
    Scribe - A scribe's trade publication (though she's let this subscription lapse).

Charrie? Just those weekly tabloids from the local market, when she can be bothered to remember to buy them.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 5/9/2011 2:00 PM PDT
For Rongar:

  • The Herbalist - Identifying and Gathering Plants for Fun and Profit
  • Homebrew and You - Guide to making Potent Potions that lift the Spirits

And he'd be lying if he wasn't sneaking a copy of Goblin Gentleman's Magazine now and then as well. What? They are green too...

For Wigglebolt:

  • Tiddlewink's Tinkertoy Tabloit - The latest and greatest in Gnomish Gears and Gadgetry

And probably a poorly translated version of said Goblin Gentleman's rag also - which is a real shame, because Wigglebolt honestly just gets if for the excellent writing.
Edited by Rongar on 5/9/2011 2:47 PM PDT
82 Human Rogue
Cathall's definitely sneaking copies of the Goblin Gentleman's Magazine. >.>

Rathic would read:

Eversong Fish and Wildlife
Forsaken People
Azeroth Geographic
Apothecaries Monthly

I don't know. He might subscribe to Ellef, too. >.>

Slydebrandt doesn't even know what a magazine is, and might try to eat it and/or set it on fire...

Diandar would subscribe to:

Forest and River
Grizzly Hunter
The Rifle Shooter

90 Blood Elf Warlock
((Bella, I am really enjoying your threads - and while I really haven't had much of a chance to RP in game yet, I am having so much fun thinking of Lumenaria as a 3 dimensional character. I even made her in the Sims3 the other day and that was fun, watching her actions in a whole new environment))

Lumenaria's Magazine Subscriptions:

Elven Living
Goblin's Gentlemen's (for the articles, of course!)
Warlock's Weekly
Breanni's Pet Quarterly
Azeroth Geographic

And probably some trade papers about enchanting
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