[H]<Unfair Advantage> 10 Man Raiding

100 Tauren Druid
<Unfair Advantage> is a casual raiding guild looking to rebuild its member base and raiding group. We typically raid on weekdays from 7-10 server time 2-3 days a week, however, the days are not written in stone as of yet. We have a lot of helpful members willing to run heroics and such to help prepare others for raiding.

If you would like more info, feel free to reply here or contact Torben, Turlo, or myself in game sometime.
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85 Troll Druid
I would like to speak with you about your guild. I will either message you or another member later tonight. Thank you.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
I spoke with turlo, but without knowing the days I cant comit. I have a resto shammy and priest open atm, and a tank im gearing up now. Let me know once you have days chosen
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100 Tauren Druid
We're thinking Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the moment, but we're flexible until we can get a core raid group agreeing on a schedule. We have a BWD raid scheduled for next Tuesday, May 17th to bring along some possible recruits to check us out. If we get enough to come along that night, we'll probably discuss the schedule.
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100 Tauren Druid
Update: We're still looking for a dependable tank if anyone is interested. Our raid days are looking like Tuesdays and Wednesdays with possible Thursdays.
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90 Undead Rogue
Anyone interested in joining this guild should know one thing.... This is the kind if guild that stcks with you if you stick with them... If you're a tank and screw up, they make fun of you, laugh it off, toss you a flask and say, "let's try again." They are not like most guilds who decide that based upon your DPS from the 1 trash mob you just went through, that you need to be booted from the raid. They actually tell you you're slacking and give you time for YOU to research your toon IF, noone in the guild can give you a few pointers on how to better YOUR output. Been in the guild for a few years, I don't raid much, but when I do, these guyske it fun... No matter what the outcome. This guild gives as much respect to you to your face as they do behind your back. Loads of fun in this guild. Have fun.
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90 Human Paladin
True story. Guildy told a story about his last guild. Close family member is rushed to the hospital while the guildy is raiding. He says he needs to drop so he can go to the hospital. Gets yelled at and kicked from the guild for dropping the raid. So how cruel and unfair can some guilds be?

Bezleka, your guild is what makes this game a great place to play. Its all in good fun and I really enjoy being with people that can joke around and still get stuff done.

As someone being in such a guild, I wish you people the best in <Unfair Advantage>

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86 Undead Mage
I will have to messange you about joining. I love raiding, and haven't got to do so much of it since I joined this server full time, and stopped playing on my old pvp server.
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