<Shadows End> (0/12) not looking for raiders

90 Blood Elf Warlock
You know, raiding isn't for everyone - but just because for whatever reason you don't want to raid doesn't mean you can't be in a good guild.

<Shadows End> accepts all classes/levels. So whether you are looking for a good home to park your alts, a leveling guild, or think that fishing is the ultimate end game, give us a try.

<Shadows End> does random dungeons and heroics, has sweet level 15 perks and of course cookies!

Our core group consists of working adults who play for a few hours in the evenings. Look for any member in game, and get directed to an officer for an invite.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Looks like this might be the guild for me. At least for my alt, I'd like to keep my main in my home guild, at least for now.
Edited by Jhoira on 5/12/2011 3:36 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest
This sounds like a very nice guild and group of folks. Best wishes to you and yours!

- Penelopae
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