Thanks For All The HK's

100 Tauren Warrior

Just got my 100 k pvp achievement, so I wanted to take a moment to thank all of the Horde who have been so supportive and really fun to play with when I have been pvping in Tol B and also back in WG

And of course to the Alliance, who haven made "world" pvp such a blast for me...even though you are my mortal enemies on the fields of battle, I really do enjoy the challenge of trying to best you in combat...while not failing to mention the great satisfaction I receive when I am able to plant my Flag of Ownership in ya


Now onto the 250 k pvp achievement!!!!!!
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90 Human Priest
Grats Kernhoof!!!

Keep up the good work!

Oh.. wait... yer trying ta KILLZ ME fer yer cheez-mints!!!

**Shakes Fist... You Stinky Horde!

Good going Kernhoof, and Grats!

- Penelopae
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100 Tauren Warrior
hehe thank you

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85 Gnome Mage
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85 Tauren Warrior
Salute my Tauren brother! Very well done!

I am glad I could be part of this achievement; being your 100k kill on my alliance alt, Shonjah, in TB was a great honor! (What are the odds of that I wonder?)

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85 Human Rogue
0.0 way to go bro, BTW u should duel this noobert when u can. Again gratz man!
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100 Tauren Warrior
Thank you =)

It is a lot of fun pvpin' against you guys...really a fun challenge!!!!

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