Role Play

90 Blood Elf Death Knight
What the crap -is- role play.

1. Is it a series of fake adventures that we can't act out anywhere else because our real lives are drull and boring? Yes, because everyone knows that fiction is always more exciting.

2. Is it a place to act out our deepest desires and try to make people feel like crap and then break character to yell at them for not sticking their tongues to our characters boots and then having to much relationship rp that causes real life jealous drama over a fake acted out story? No it isn't. People who get involved in that need to stop role playing, and never role play again.

3. Is it a place to express parts of ourselves in good fun that people need to realize its just role play and that the best way to learn how to separate out of character and in character actions is to take everything that happens with a grain of salt? Yes, creativity helps one express themselves, its no different then being an actor, writing a song, or painting a picture.

4. Is it a place to decry people for not sticking to lore, pointing out flaws in their stories. Try and be all high and mighty and puff out your chests claiming that you're a far better role player then everyone else? No it is not. We all make mistakes, all of us have meta gamed or god modded once or twice in our life. Guess what, its not the end of the world. No story is perfect, nor will it ever be. Blizzard can't even keep their own lore straight anyway. This does not give people permission to all be zombie dragon demon unicorn fairy vampire werewolf hunters however, because I'd like to think that creative people can use both common sense, and logic.

5. Is it a place to hold grudges because of something someone said to you over the internet on a bloody video game when you will likely never meet that person in real life and hating them is a complete and utter waste of your time? No it isn't. It happens (I should know) anyway, but to those people I have but one phrase to utter 'grow up'.

People have forgotten that role play is supposed to be fun. That is why you have people who stick to their cliques, that is why there will always be six degrees of separation in the rp masses. You can't train style, you can't train lore, you can't train group activities, you can't train bubble breaking or ice breakers. People have to choose to consider. But in this current new generation of 'everyone owes me something and everyone can be a winner' that has popped up starting in 2009 its hard to get that across. Tommorow's leaders are right now, a bunch of whiny brats. Me, I'm just a crotchety 30 year old dude who shares his opinion whether people like it or not. But thats besides the point. This isn't about me, this is about rp, I look forward to the rabid, and friendly responses to this post.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

On a more serious note...

We didn't forget RP is fun, Beli. Some of us have been having fun all along. :)

No one is required to interact, be in game or in real life. If people wanna clique it up, let 'em. Beaten dead horse is beaten. They'll learn.

Let it go, dude. Just RP and calm thyself. Fo srs.

~(she who holds the strings on) Bells

Give Reliah hugs over on WrA.
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85 Gnome Mage
You bring up good points. I think most roleplayers that I consider sensible would agree with you. It’s the not-so-sensible players that ruin it for everyone else. Unfortunately, I don’t think they ever read these kind of posts, or if they do they either think it doesn’t apply to them or they’re above it and to hell with everyone else.

After playing this game almost from the start, it still astounds me that so many people forget that this is all supposed to be for fun – whether it’s roleplaying, PvPing, raiding or whatever.

I don’t roleplay much anymore. There’s the whole issue of having time (and interest) for the game, but there’s also finding like-minded people who enjoy the same things I do. That’s the kicker. But it is still fun. If I ever lose sight of that, someone needs to wipe WoW off my hard drive.

I really had no point other than to read my own words, I guess. And to say hi.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
06/06/2011 09:03 AMPosted by Nozz
it still astounds me that so many people forget that this is all supposed to be for fun – whether it’s roleplaying, PvPing, raiding or whatever.

^^^^^ This.

And yeah... when it stops being fun? It's time to go.

Any time you have more than one person involved, you're going to have a conflict. From conflict comes growth and cohesion. If you spend more time stressed or crying or ticked off over a fake world than time spent having fun, though? Eh... maybe it's just time to /exit for good.

The big thing, however, is to make sure you keep yourself in check.

You are, after all, the only person you can control.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Tommorow's leaders are right now, a bunch of whiny brats.

There's a possibility I'm included in this - and while I'm not going to lie and say I've never uttered the words 'I hate my generation', don't lose hope in us just yet! While they're getting fewer and fewer - we still have a few good eggs I swear!

...We'll ignore the fact that I'm studying to become a teacher, and only an insane person would ever put me in charge of a group of kids. Silly string and made up words would be involved. And probably a few classic disney movies.

But back to the topic of RP: Unfortunately you are always going to have the few people who get a little too involved with their characters. Whether it's because the character is a projection of their fantasy self, they're trying to escape real life stress, or any number of reasons - it all comes down to the fact that to these people the trials and tribulations of their characters are personal. It's really not something anyone but the player can do anything about - and as it was stated before, it's up to that person to take what happens in the game world with a grain of salt.

Not everyone is going to. People so often invest real emotion into a roleplay, so when it goes awry it's a bigger blow than might be readily noticeable. The difference between people who will start drama over it, and people who will walk away is just that: they walk away. Being able to separate yourself from your characters when things go downhill is tough for some people, because they spend so much time in their character's persona - but it's a crucial line to draw if you don't want to pull your hair out over a game.

Personally when I find myself getting frustrated with in-game drama, or constantly upset with someone in game - I take a break for a day [or several] to draw, or run, or just get my mind off the source of my frustration in general. It'a amazing how silly it all seems when you step away from it for a bit. In the end, it's a game - we come here to enjoy ourselves. When it turns into a job, consider that you're paying money to get the same frustration they could be paying YOU for!

...-peers up at over-sized post basically just reiterating what has been said- Damn I talk a lot. I blame it on the allergy meds! >.>...<.<...

TL;DR: Chin up! Have fun! And don't let drama get you down! For every idiot out there getting you down, there's an amazing person waiting to meet you - don't let them make you shut yourself off!
Edited by Hiccup on 6/7/2011 10:36 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
06/07/2011 10:32 AMPosted by Hiccup
only an insane person would ever put me in charge of a group of kids. Silly string and made up words would be involved. And probably a few classic disney movies.

Come on. You'd be teaching them Pokemon songs, too.

Damn I talk a lot. I blame it on the allergy meds! >.>...<.<...

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85 Night Elf Druid
Yes, pokemon would be introduced to the curriculum. We'd sing the theme song at the beginning of the day as inspiration.


NOT A WORD NOZZ! >_> These people are blissfully unaware of how very annoying I can be. ...well, most of them. <.<
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
06/07/2011 10:32 AMPosted by Hiccup
Tommorow's leaders are right now, a bunch of whiny brats.

There's a possibility I'm included in this - and while I'm not going to lie and say I've never uttered the words 'I hate my generation', don't lose hope in us just yet! While they're getting fewer and fewer - we still have a few good eggs I swear!

I promise you I'm being very general with that statement. And good luck on becoming a teacher.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Thank you all for your cool and honest responses. I wasn't trying to be too overly serious, just making observations of things I've seen recently as I've pulled out of the main spot light hubs of rp and do my own thing without involving to much and am able to observe more. But I get your point Bella ~.^
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Oh and hello to you as well nozz. -hugs-
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9 Tauren Warrior
I am a zombie dragon demon unicorn fairy vampire werewolf hunter. I hunt them relentlessly. And then I step on them.

As a side note, two weeks back, in "Real" Life, someone decided to require me to interact with him. Said individual is now facing assault charges. Online life is sometimes definitely better!
Edited by Clankingbull on 6/8/2011 6:29 PM PDT
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2 Blood Elf Warlock
This is a very, very good collection of thoughts, Belinor. I can't see a single one that I disagree with. Especially this one (mainly because it is the freshest on my mind at the moment):

5. Is it a place to hold grudges because of something someone said to you over the internet on a bloody video game when you will likely never meet that person in real life and hating them is a complete and utter waste of your time? No it isn't. It happens (I should know) anyway, but to those people I have but one phrase to utter 'grow up'.

Someone that is able to see the truth in that statement is someone worth respecting. RP is fictional, and when it transitions into RL harassment and becoming less than fun, I'd say do what Bella said to do: time to go. Goes for anyone.

Good work.
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85 Gnome Mage
06/08/2011 04:44 PMPosted by Belinor
Oh and hello to you as well nozz. -hugs-


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85 Tauren Hunter
I like this man. Why did we insult him all the time back in the day?
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
06/11/2011 09:47 AMPosted by Astrid
I wish I knew what I did with my screenshots of Inkilzar proposing to a dwarf's ram mount while wearing a lovely pink dress.

Funny story. I lost a bet with some guildies. I didn't think they could two man Stratholme at level 70. I also sang 'I feel pretty' in character typing out the lyrics and I had to wear a pink dress. Oh fun times.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
This is a very, very good collection of thoughts, Belinor. I can't see a single one that I disagree with. Especially this one (mainly because it is the freshest on my mind at the moment):

5. Is it a place to hold grudges because of something someone said to you over the internet on a bloody video game when you will likely never meet that person in real life and hating them is a complete and utter waste of your time? No it isn't. It happens (I should know) anyway, but to those people I have but one phrase to utter 'grow up'.

Someone that is able to see the truth in that statement is someone worth respecting. RP is fictional, and when it transitions into RL harassment and becoming less than fun, I'd say do what Bella said to do: time to go. Goes for anyone.

Good work.

Thank you Azahira! Nice to hear from you.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
*pops in to give love before disappearing*


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