[A] The Radiant Sphere (RP-MedHeavy) LFM!

33 Gnome Warrior
Server: Sisters of Elune

The Beginnings

"The Radiant Sphere" - Originally known as "Gold Oracle's Pub" was served as an inn for a secret organization known as "Azure Sphere" created by the first king of Azeroth, King Llane Wrynn I. However, after the king was assasinated by Garona - the "Azure Sphere" was assigned to eliminate Garona and stop the front line of Orc invasion. "Azure Sphere" failed to stop Garona and the Orcs, and watched Stormwind burn into the ashes. After few years have passed, the original leader of "Azure Sphere" Ronan Dathwald still persisted of pushing Orcs back out of the Stormwind region. With amount of success, they were able to drive the Orcs out of west side of Redridge with the Supreme Commander of Azeroth, Anduin Lothar. However while they were trying to stop the Blackrock clan from invading down to Redridge, Ronan and his loyal men fell into a trap and been crushed by the falling boulders created by Blackrock's Legionnaire: Gro'vak. Even though the leader of "Azure Sphere" was killed, his apprentice was a sole survivor from such incident. The apprentice retreats to the Elwynn's Hunting Grounds, which is now called "Eastvale Logging Camp".

The End of Azure Sphere

It had been 10 years since the apprentice, Harold Altruis tried to fight against Blackrock to drive them out of Redridge Mountain. After Stormwind was fully reconstructed, the city's main force has not sent any aids to Westfall, Redridge, and Duskwood for reinforcements or even supplies. Due to the fact that Stonemason Guild, who have worked so hard to rebuild Stormwind were banished from the city without a trace. Knowing that he'd be abandoned like the Stonemason Guild, Harold sent a request to Mathias Shaw, leader of SI:7 to assist him to make counter attack against Blackrock clan. Unfortunately, the request never reached to Mathias because it was halted by the people that followed Lady Katrana Prestor. Harold waited for weeks to get some kind of assistance, but he could not wait longer. So he led his entire guild of "Azure Sphere" and attempted to assault Blackrock and rid of them once and for all. Even though Harold was prepared for a successful battle, Blackrock clans were ready for them. The entire "Azure Sphere" guild was slaughtered and the Blackrock clans went down to Eastvale Logging Camp to burn the "Gold Oracle's Pub" down to stop the continuation of the guild.

A New Order

After 3 years from such tragedy, Archbishop Benedictus, Mathias Shaw, and Bolvar Fordragon have visited the burned pub and noticed a journal written by Harold to talk about the tragedy of "Azure Sphere". The three have discussed and revealed to all Alliance that same mistake must not be made anymore. They have requested for any adventurers to reorganize the new "Azure Sphere" and name it "Radiant Sphere" to fulfill what Harold and Ronan were trying to accomplish. The people of Stormwind have rebuilt the pub known as "The Radiant Sphere", and now it's a place where those who are willing to protect Azeroth to hang out, and receive any orders given by various factions that request the guild to do a special job.

((For those who are interested in joining, we are opened for applications! Please visit http://theradiantsphere.enjin.com/ if you are interested! We want to do dungeons, raids and PVP as well! Please be devoted on this reroll if possible!))

((NOTE : It was originally reroll guild, but we are accepting anyone who is active and willing to make progress within the leveling and roleplaying development for your character :D ))
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
So... you say Bolvar Fordragon was in Elwynn Forest a few days ago? Good to know. I had thought he was all ice-blocked up at the Frozen Throne in Icecrown all this time.

(or did you mean that he visited Eastvale to chat with Mathias -before- he marched on Icecrown and was burnt to a crisp, with Mathias and Benedictus carrying on in his best wishes after he took up the mantle of "The Lich King"?)
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33 Gnome Warrior
By the time lines if you've calculated it - it's actually 6 years before Cataclysm so therefore it's around the time where it's an open plot for the guild to roam around! :)

First War and 2nd War took around 10~13 years and then it was another 3 years which makes it after Third War - during the beginning time of World of Warcraft.

Anyways, bumping to see if people are interested in joining!
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Awesome, I look forward to seeing you develop some good RP-PVP. :D Even if you are small in number, but strong in purpose, you can still get something done. My guild has a small RP crew of mercenaries (I'm not a member) that I try to contract into doing RP missions around Azeroth. I'll bet they'd be super eager to get in on some RP-PVP.

And the timeline is fine. I'm glad you clarified. At least it's not a 500 year old Night Elf born in Darnassus-Teldrassil. I see too many of those.
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