I am looking for a weekday morning raiding guild
Any weekday morning raiding guilds?
I would be interested as well, though most likely on horde side.
I realize the majority of people have more common schedules that coincide with typical business hours. However some of us have *atypical* schedules or have a busy family life in the evening, but still want to raid during what are daytime/morning/business hours (server time).
There are enough geared toons out there during said *off-peak* hours to make it happen.
I realize the majority of people have more common schedules that coincide with typical business hours. However some of us have *atypical* schedules or have a busy family life in the evening, but still want to raid during what are daytime/morning/business hours (server time).
There are enough geared toons out there during said *off-peak* hours to make it happen.
Edited by Nyquil on 6/16/2011 3:24 PM PDT
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