So the tank is mad because you accidentally pulled aggro? Well, with such epic dps, it's not hard to believe. However, if there's a small chance that you pulled because you *accidentally* hit the wrong target, we've got your answer right here.
Macros. Set your tank as your focus by selecting them and typing /focus.
Then, use this macro:
/cast [Target=focustarget] spellname
Not only will this make sure you're hitting the right mob, but it means that you will never again have to worry about tab-targeting tanks!
Any and all dps should try macros like this to minimize tank and healer strain and ensure a great and easy group run.
Thanks, SOE!
Macros. Set your tank as your focus by selecting them and typing /focus.
Then, use this macro:
/cast [Target=focustarget] spellname
Not only will this make sure you're hitting the right mob, but it means that you will never again have to worry about tab-targeting tanks!
Any and all dps should try macros like this to minimize tank and healer strain and ensure a great and easy group run.
Thanks, SOE!