Mottled Drake

90 Blood Elf Warrior
Hello citizens of Sisters of Elune. I have a Mottled Drake available for sale, and am posting here in case anyone may be interested, Horde or Alliance. My asking price is currently 120k, but I'm willing to sell it for 100k. The mount is a TCG loot card, rare for its set.

I an post it on the neutral AH if any Alliance are interested, or Horde can in-game mail me if they'd be interested.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I just want to make you aware, I've been watching various Loot cards on ebay and sites like that, and it is certainly not worth 100-120k, Sorry brother, It sells on average for between 50-90$ for the last 3 weeks(this is an average mind you and is subject to silly people thinking it's worth more than it is as with all sell-able items ever)

Now, you take into account what the average price for gold is right now(Makers strike you down if you partake in the purchase of gold!) You're looking at about 10,000g for around 20 bucks, Now, In order to get 100k-120k for your mount ingame you would have to be able to at least sell the mount on Ebay or some such site for around 200$-240$, Which is over double the AVERAGE spotted price over the last 3 weeks.

A much more reasonable and appropriate price would be around 50-60k gold.
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100 Undead Warlock
Well, it's not too bad to start high then lower the price if there's no fish biting. ;)
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
07/04/2011 08:59 AMPosted by Khevyn
Well, it's not too bad to start high then lower the price if there's no fish biting. ;)

I sold it, so no worries!
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