...While doing the firelands quests. Turn them off, you're just being annoying when we accidentally hit you and you retaliate....the kill us AGAIN after we res!
To the people with their PVP flags...
i approve this message you should either A wait 5 minutes or B go to a pvp server and watch the glory
Welcome to world pvp
Warm heart cockles...
Inciting open-world PvP is a wonderful thing.
But... gearing up in full epic end-game PvP gear and camping questers and holiday event folks is pretty lame. Camping force-spawn areas like graveyards or portals, on undergeared and unwilling players is not sporting at all.
Pretty lame, pretty lame. Lame like a loser. *slowly shakes head and frowns in pity...
Inciting open-world PvP is a wonderful thing.
But... gearing up in full epic end-game PvP gear and camping questers and holiday event folks is pretty lame. Camping force-spawn areas like graveyards or portals, on undergeared and unwilling players is not sporting at all.
Pretty lame, pretty lame. Lame like a loser. *slowly shakes head and frowns in pity...
I have to add to this... some retarded Alliance DK had himself flagged during the events yesterday and it backfired on him...Flag yourself so I can accidentally hit you and you try to kill me genious! Just end up dead again :)
Let people get their stuff done and keep your PvP in BG's and Arena's!!!
Let people get their stuff done and keep your PvP in BG's and Arena's!!!
Edited by Gabryal on 6/29/2011 3:19 PM PDT
World PvP happens even on RP servers, if you accidentally click on them, try and run, or, if they kill you, hide, res and take off on your mount. It's really not that hard to hide and take off on your mount :c
Edited by Aquä on 6/29/2011 4:18 PM PDT
Yes, World PvP on just an RP server. That means it should be optional, not mandatory.
Glad to see the same old crowd still plays Horde. It legitimately warms the cockles of my heart.
He was alliance in wrath :c
L2 be more careful when †ab targeting or be prepared to back up the consequences i accidentally tab
targeted saw they were flagged and decided to kill them anyways. Slapped on my PvP gear and was
prepared for retaliation. If I saw people accidentally hit me once but immediately moved on i left them be so I could continue about my business. But hey just be more careful :D
targeted saw they were flagged and decided to kill them anyways. Slapped on my PvP gear and was
prepared for retaliation. If I saw people accidentally hit me once but immediately moved on i left them be so I could continue about my business. But hey just be more careful :D
Edited by Rophy on 6/29/2011 11:56 PM PDT
Yes, World PvP on just an RP server. That means it should be optional, not mandatory.
Glad to see the same old crowd still plays Horde. It legitimately warms the cockles of my heart.
He was alliance in wrath :c
And aren't DKs, paladins, gnomes, and all elves open season anyways? Man, I really should level my cow again...
I foiled your plans?
My bad c:
If you flag yourself by mistake or not you’re free game honor is honor even if there is no honor in the kill. We are horde you are alliance even on an rp server you are the hordes hated mortal enemy. If I’m flagged by mistake or not I know what can and will happen and now you do to. so before you complain remember your on an rp serve don’t aoe or tab target where people are flagged and as for our cities you don’t have to go to them you only have to go if your wanting the achievement an in that case the same rules apply be careful and plan for the worst watch your back and gank before ganked or don’t get yourself flagged.
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