Seeking Honest Opinions on this Realm

1 Draenei Shaman
Greetings. A friend and I are looking for an RP realm to roll a few alts on and play on occasionally. So we're hoping to hear a little bit from the community here. Would you recommend it to RPers? Is there a lot of activity? We did check out your events and guild threads, but looking for a little more info and input.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I love this server and have found RP on both horde and alliance. is our unnofficial RP Community site but its new so still in the works. I would suggest just testing out the server and getting out there.
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There's a lot of RP that goes on here. My only knowledge is the 9 or so months before I deployed (so 1 year, 9 months but I had fun on both sides. Made me a gnomey then trashed it and stayed horde. For some reason I've always been a troll kinda guy. :D
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