Telarain almost 85? Nice one!?

90 Blood Elf Warrior
Well it's no joke. If any of you really know me you would know I have been on this server for three years or so, and I've never leveled a toon from 1-85 on here. All the 85's I have here were brought from another server. Also if you know -Telarian- he has been a hunter, a death knight, a hunter again, and now a warrior so it's been a rough ride.

After a while I thought it would be a good idea to get Tel to 85, and I did so. Stopped for a while, and hit it again. Now with the journey almost over I want to look back, and ask you guys a few questions.

1.) Did any of you have that toon that you loved to role play that you just couldn't level?
2.) Do you still have that toon at a low level?
3.) Did any of you feel like you hit a brick wall when you went to Northrend for the 9001~ IT's OVER 9000! time?
4.) I hear warrior tanking is quite fun, is there anyone that can shed some light on that? I tanked for a while on my old warrior (Level 83 on a pvp server) though never really any endgame, and was curious to know.

I know it's been a while since I posted a thread on here, and certainly a while since it's been one of me not whining, and complaining about how something didn't go my way, and sorry if you are upset that it's not anotehr one of '' Tel's rants ''. Looking for some nice feedback, and stories about others experiances, and such.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Well I guess it's true now!? I think i was onkly 84 when the post was made, but the point is still made. After a day or so of gearing I was able to reach 355 ilevel, and can now start raiding!
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
I don't post here much anymore, because the drama makes me weep. But maybe I can give you some feedback. Been playing my warrior since about march...

1.) Did any of you have that toon that you loved to role play that you just couldn't level?
2.) Do you still have that toon at a low level?

For me it always seemed to go the opposite way. When I didn't like roleplaying a character, I couldn't level it. Haha. When Toph here first got her story, I went from 1-85 in two weeks because I just LOVED playing her character. I don't have many low level toons - I guess you could call me a leveling addict, and having a good story or background for the character just accelerates the process.

3.) Did any of you feel like you hit a brick wall when you went to Northrend for the 9001~ IT's OVER 9000! time?

Oh god yes. Though moreso now with Outlands. I can't stand leveling through outlands anymore. Its sad, because I used to look forward to getting to 58! Northrend I can tolerate, but I mostly zip through for cata content now.

4.) I hear warrior tanking is quite fun, is there anyone that can shed some light on that? I tanked for a while on my old warrior (Level 83 on a pvp server) though never really any endgame, and was curious to know.

I have LOVED warrior tanking so far. I'm always nervous to do it, because I haven't got the gearing down and feel quite squishy when I get up there, but it's just so much more active than other forms of tanking I've tried. I've only recently started trying to tank on my warrior, but there is just something about stomping around and whacking things in the face that gives me the warm fuzzies!

Actually, I am a healer at heart, so I was really surprised when I took so well to warrior. But now she's my main and I couldn't be happier - even if I can't heal myself, my god I love hitting things in the FACE. <3
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
08/17/2011 05:10 AMPosted by Toph
Oh god yes. Though moreso now with Outlands. I can't stand leveling through outlands anymore. Its sad, because I used to look forward to getting to 58! Northrend I can tolerate, but I mostly zip through for cata content now

No! Outlands is like freash air for me. I'm not to much a fan of 50-57, and though I'm sick of hellfire I hate Northrend much more. It's jsut so... ugh. I find myself leveing with pvp more so, and it takes much longer to do so I guess.

I'm pleased I was able to get a little feedback, because it seems most didn't want to share their leveling experiance, and think back to the days of old when they were going through the motions, and jsut how they felt. Which is fine.

However I love leveling toons, and have recently started to play my mains again. My mage, and etc. Got Tel to about 358 ilevel, and just not enjoying it. I guess I'm just a ranged style player. Mage/priest were loads of fun to level, and my dk, and warrior are just meh. I'll be starting a rogue in my spare time, and hope to see if that can change my idea of mdps classes.
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