Free Party Supplies for the RP Community

I'm giving away miscellaneous party supplies to roleplayers, RP groups, and RP guilds. Before I list what there is to be had, I'm going to explain why I'm doing this. Feel free to skip these next two paragraphs of back-story and jump to the item list.

When I first joined WoW in BC, my naive, younger self rolled on SoE without a clue as to what an RP server meant (note the name). Months after I discovered machinima, I became intrigued with machinima plots and roleplayer background stories. I started to roleplay from the sidelines using my screen name as a kind of codename (that's how I adapted to it). Eventually, I wanted to make my own quirky, RP-based, in-game machinima. Part-way through pre-production, however, I came to the realization that I didn't have the time and people to make it happen. This project was put on hold and eventually abandoned.

For over a year or two, I've held on to items that we would've used for the in-game filming on a dedicated bank alt. Items were added/given out through my main, Smokyenigma, at random RP events, but the vast majority of items just sit in the bank collecting dust. I thought these supplies would be put to good use in the hands of the RP community so I'm opening the warehouse doors to the public. The other reason I'm doing this is because I'm contemplating taking a long break from WoW.

These are rough numbers from my inventory count:
300+ Snowball
10 or so Huge Snowball
300+ Elune Stone
100+ Elixir of Giant Growth
20 Winterfall Firewater
40+ Pygmy Oil
60+ Weighted Jack-o'-Lantern
100+ Midsummer Ground Flower
20 Festival Firecracker
30 - 40 Misc. colour fireworks (from vendors)
2 -3 Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack's worth of fireworks
20 Explosive Rocket
20 Ez-Thro Dynamite
20 Ez-Thro Dynamite II
20 Heavy Leather Ball
18 Bottle of Peaked Dalaran Red
12 Delicious Chocolate Cake
40 Goblin Barbecue
20 White Smoke Flare
75 Solid Gold Coin
A Imperial Plate Set
2 Ornate Spyglass
1 High-Powered Flashlight
1 Lovely Red Dress
A Twilight Cultist Set
2 Diamond-Tipped Cane
1 Noble's Elementium Signet
1 Noble's Monocle
1 Antique Silver Cufflinks
1 Torch of Austen
A few off-hand torches.
1 Farmer's Shovel

I probably left out a few things from that list. I don't know how I'm going to split these up yet. Any ideas?
Also, these items are stored on the Alliance side, but I have no problem sending them Horde side via neutral AH.
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85 Human Paladin
Wow. What a nice thing to offer these to the community! I'm sorry your machinima idea didn't go anywhere. :( You're welcome to come to Clockwerk's Wednesday evening Open RP fishing excursion, if you're still interested in finding a little random RP. The next one will be on Wednesday 8/17 at 7pm server, somewhere in Darkshore. Let me know if you'd like a calendar invite! (Usually they are every week, but next week I have tickets to a baseball game that conflicts. Thus the skipped week.)

We can definitely use the Farmer's Shovel and any lowbie torches on some of my guild's <Angry Peasant> bank alts. We have at least one of those toons wandering around with a pitchfork, already. We like diversity in our implements of destruction!

I've got a guildie who uses the Elixirs of Giants' Growth for his RP, so we could use a stack or two of those. However many you're willing to part with.

We could also use an Ornate Spyglass or two... and the Noble's Monocle and Cufflinks look really neat too, but if they're worth a lot on the AH, never mind; I don't want to be greedy! I'm most interested in the shovel and lowbie torches. XD

Thanks, and best of luck to you! :)
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Can can can I pleeeeeze have your Winterfall Firewater?
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I've sent Daphne the requested items except the monocle and cufflinks. If anyone is still interested in those, let know and I'll put you into the raffle. A few days from now I'll hand them to whoever wins.

As for Shade, I've reserved the Winterfall Firewater for you, but it'll be a while before they are sent over.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
08/06/2011 07:25 PMPosted by Smokyenigma
As for Shade, I've reserved the Winterfall Firewater for you, but it'll be a while before they are sent over.

Yay, thank you much!
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64 Night Elf Rogue
Hi there. I would really enjoy the elementium signet. My character's RP profession is a street performer. In her show she juggles torches, so the high powered flashlight and any of the fireworks (maybe an assortment with of a few of each?) or flares that you'd be willing to part with would really help her out. I know that the signet and flashlight are desirable, so I completely understand if I don't get them. I also agree with Daphne when she says that you are doing a really nice thing for the RP community! Thanks again.
Edited by Kilikina on 8/21/2011 12:11 AM PDT
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Thanks to those who have accepted items. I can rest knowing that they aren't going to waste in my hands. There were still many items left - the majority of which have been mailed to Daphne at Clockwerk. If you want some items, ask her nicely. However, its up to her judgement.

To Daphne: Sorry for flooding your mailbox and putting you in this position. I ran out of time and you seemed to be the most trustworthy figure at the time.

To those who feel indebted to me, pay it forward. When I was in my broke and younger days, someone did some huge favours for me. Strangely enough, I can see parallels of myself in you. One day, you may be in my position. It's through giving back that I've learned just how rewarding it is to have made someone's day.

As of now, I am taking a long break from WoW. It's been a long journey with friends and memories which has made me somewhat mournful of my decision. I'm not sure when I'm returning or if I'm returning, but in case I don't: Thanks for all the great times everyone!

All the best,
Smokyenigma ("Smoky")
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