I'm giving away miscellaneous party supplies to roleplayers, RP groups, and RP guilds. Before I list what there is to be had, I'm going to explain why I'm doing this. Feel free to skip these next two paragraphs of back-story and jump to the item list.
When I first joined WoW in BC, my naive, younger self rolled on SoE without a clue as to what an RP server meant (note the name). Months after I discovered machinima, I became intrigued with machinima plots and roleplayer background stories. I started to roleplay from the sidelines using my screen name as a kind of codename (that's how I adapted to it). Eventually, I wanted to make my own quirky, RP-based, in-game machinima. Part-way through pre-production, however, I came to the realization that I didn't have the time and people to make it happen. This project was put on hold and eventually abandoned.
For over a year or two, I've held on to items that we would've used for the in-game filming on a dedicated bank alt. Items were added/given out through my main, Smokyenigma, at random RP events, but the vast majority of items just sit in the bank collecting dust. I thought these supplies would be put to good use in the hands of the RP community so I'm opening the warehouse doors to the public. The other reason I'm doing this is because I'm contemplating taking a long break from WoW.
These are rough numbers from my inventory count:
300+ Snowball
10 or so Huge Snowball
300+ Elune Stone
100+ Elixir of Giant Growth
20 Winterfall Firewater
40+ Pygmy Oil
60+ Weighted Jack-o'-Lantern
100+ Midsummer Ground Flower
20 Festival Firecracker
30 - 40 Misc. colour fireworks (from vendors)
2 -3 Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack's worth of fireworks
20 Explosive Rocket
20 Ez-Thro Dynamite
20 Ez-Thro Dynamite II
20 Heavy Leather Ball
18 Bottle of Peaked Dalaran Red
12 Delicious Chocolate Cake
40 Goblin Barbecue
20 White Smoke Flare
75 Solid Gold Coin
A Imperial Plate Set
2 Ornate Spyglass
1 High-Powered Flashlight
1 Lovely Red Dress
A Twilight Cultist Set
2 Diamond-Tipped Cane
1 Noble's Elementium Signet
1 Noble's Monocle
1 Antique Silver Cufflinks
1 Torch of Austen
A few off-hand torches.
1 Farmer's Shovel
I probably left out a few things from that list. I don't know how I'm going to split these up yet. Any ideas?
Also, these items are stored on the Alliance side, but I have no problem sending them Horde side via neutral AH.
When I first joined WoW in BC, my naive, younger self rolled on SoE without a clue as to what an RP server meant (note the name). Months after I discovered machinima, I became intrigued with machinima plots and roleplayer background stories. I started to roleplay from the sidelines using my screen name as a kind of codename (that's how I adapted to it). Eventually, I wanted to make my own quirky, RP-based, in-game machinima. Part-way through pre-production, however, I came to the realization that I didn't have the time and people to make it happen. This project was put on hold and eventually abandoned.
For over a year or two, I've held on to items that we would've used for the in-game filming on a dedicated bank alt. Items were added/given out through my main, Smokyenigma, at random RP events, but the vast majority of items just sit in the bank collecting dust. I thought these supplies would be put to good use in the hands of the RP community so I'm opening the warehouse doors to the public. The other reason I'm doing this is because I'm contemplating taking a long break from WoW.
These are rough numbers from my inventory count:
300+ Snowball
10 or so Huge Snowball
300+ Elune Stone
100+ Elixir of Giant Growth
20 Winterfall Firewater
40+ Pygmy Oil
60+ Weighted Jack-o'-Lantern
100+ Midsummer Ground Flower
20 Festival Firecracker
30 - 40 Misc. colour fireworks (from vendors)
2 -3 Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack's worth of fireworks
20 Explosive Rocket
20 Ez-Thro Dynamite
20 Ez-Thro Dynamite II
20 Heavy Leather Ball
18 Bottle of Peaked Dalaran Red
12 Delicious Chocolate Cake
40 Goblin Barbecue
20 White Smoke Flare
75 Solid Gold Coin
A Imperial Plate Set
2 Ornate Spyglass
1 High-Powered Flashlight
1 Lovely Red Dress
A Twilight Cultist Set
2 Diamond-Tipped Cane
1 Noble's Elementium Signet
1 Noble's Monocle
1 Antique Silver Cufflinks
1 Torch of Austen
A few off-hand torches.
1 Farmer's Shovel
I probably left out a few things from that list. I don't know how I'm going to split these up yet. Any ideas?
Also, these items are stored on the Alliance side, but I have no problem sending them Horde side via neutral AH.