Ulduar 25 HM + 0 light

90 Blood Elf Rogue
Doing a weekly run for a chance at Mimiron's Head. Please reply to this thread if you are interested in the invite. We will be doing hard modes that people need along the way with the goal of doing 0 light each week. We currently run Tuesdays 8PM server. The more people we have, the faster it will go.
Edited by Imperalix on 8/14/2011 12:04 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Are you just looking for the one fight or running it all once with hardmodes? If it entails a Iron-Bound Proto, I'll dps or heal. I know a few guildies that would join too and they know the fights. Mimirons Head is something I'm sure we'd all pass on for the 25m Proto.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Astelis, I just updated my post to reflect that. We will be doing the hard modes people need along the way with the primary focus of getting to Yogg and doing 0 light.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I'm in for sure, can do heals or DPS. I know of several guild members that would be interested as well, but I cannot say they are 100% in, need to check with them first. I'll let you know asap.
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100 Orc Warrior
How many lights you say?

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100 Blood Elf Hunter
would love a chance to run it with you guys if i could have a chance, never got in there much in LK. drop me a line if you have space and need someone. thanks a bunch
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85 Orc Rogue
ill be willing to go, open roll on the mount im assuming ?
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