Svern Haurach hosts a day of fun!

70 Human Paladin
Svern Haurach (Sisters of Elune) would like to invite you to an RP event on Sunday, August 14th at 3pm EST (2pm server time).

Location: Quel'Danil Lodge (Hinterlands)
Faction: Alliance
Date: 8/14/11 3pm EST

Svern Haurach is hosting an afternoon of fun and games. There will be a scavenger hunt, hide and seek, and a relay race, all with prize rewards for the winning teams! After the games we will return to Quel'Danil Lodge to party, swim and RP!

Should any horde like to attend, we will also create our own version of capture the flag! (First faction to kill the other team's chosen champion wins!) But unfortunately because of the need to trade items for the relay race and scavenger hunt, horde won't be able to participate in these events.

So tell your friends! Tell your guild! And come have fun on August 14th with Svern Haurach!
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I'll (try to) be there.
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70 Human Paladin
Update (and bump)
Each member of the winning team for the relay race and the scavenger hunt will receive 100g and a De-weaponized mechanical companion! So please join Svern Haurach for an afternoon of fun, games, RP and prizes.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
I'm kinda sad that it's on alliance, and not horde. It's been a while since I've been to an event. Good luck
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70 Human Paladin
Another reminder and a bump up the list! Our big party is this afternoon. We're hoping for a big turn out. Even if you don't want to compete in the race and scavenger hunt, you can come and party with us, watch the festivities, and RP. Its going to be a lot of fun! See the OP for details!
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70 Human Paladin
One hour until the big event! It's going to be a blast so come have fun with us!
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