[Wanted] A few evil men.

85 Human Warrior
(Note: Men can be replaced with Tauren, Human, Trolls, Dwarves, Gnomes, Blood Elves, Night Elves, heck all the races even).

I'm planning a grand storyline involving this character of mine, a crime syndicate, and I'm in need of RP'ers who're willing to join the fun as part of either thugs, mad apothecaries, spies, or other motley's of bad characters you can think of.

This won't be a guild but a single storyline one can best use to improve their character progression and hey! A chance to be evil.

If you think you've got what it takes to be a world-hunger evil monger, leave a message here or find me in-game. I'll be sure to holler you when I'm online.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Does it have to be -men-? Not that Jan can be evil, but looking into these things couldn't kill me.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
You said Blood elves, so I'm curious if you are attempting something cross faction?
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85 Human Warrior
Ayup, cross faction makes everything merrier. Now, I know one way is RealID but some won't feel comfortable with it. Therefore, I'd also propose skype so everyone could gather there to check on translations for characters of opposing factions, or use a moderator for each faction to do so.

@ Janalardras: Men are prefix, women are welcome too! It's mean to be just a storyline so your character won't necessarily have to be evil once it's over.
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75 Night Elf Hunter
How are you going about this, and is it still going on? Would love to be a part of this. Sounds very interesting!
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85 Human Warrior
Oh yes, it's still going on. I haven't started anything significant yet, but please keep a check on this thread eh? I'll keep it updated on a certain basis until I can come up with a proper event to commemorate this.
Edited by Gottfried on 9/11/2011 7:28 AM PDT
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