The Return of The Bloodhoof Brigands

100 Tauren Warrior

After taking a well deserved break from leading a guild, I felt it was time to come back recently, I dusted off good ol' BB and am looking for some new blood to join in our misadventure...

First, we are looking for the few, the proud, the PvPers! We seek those Horde who relish the battlegrounds and who would join with us in taking the war to the Alliance

Second, we would like to form a ten man raid group as if you enjoy questing, five-mans and even ten mans then we would love to have you with us

Feel free to contact me in game, or any of the officers to learn more information

For pie, waffles and for the HORDE!!!!!
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
So that's where you gone missing, rofl. Welcome back, I thought something was up when you didn't respond my reply to your in-game mail last time about arena partners. =X
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